Author Archives: Randy.Adzadi

Connect: At the mountains of madness/ island of Dr. Moreau scientific writing

There are a lot of scientific writing within the story, giving it so much life and context, It brings out the suspense in the story using terms that would date some aspects of the story to a time period a very long time ago. That gives it more appeal to draw the reader to understand the scope of the story as it goes on. In Island of Dr Moreau, the  reader learns how the beasts were created through genetic splicing by grafting and how they were learned the human language though with some obscure and chaotic approaches. With at the mountain of madness, the narrator uses it to explain the process of  how the expedition works and what went supernatural wrong

Connect- The management of grief

In this tragic story, ” the management of grief “, the use of theme and character plot helped connect with the style of how the author wanted to present the story. The concept of loss and death is a very heavily ordeal, even harder is the factor of going on after a loss or death, is very burdensome cross to bear. There have been stories discussed in class that has similar ways of interpretation, such as The Story of an Hour, where they faced grief only to face death by acceptance. The theme of death and grief helped motivate different aspects of each character, especially the protagonist. To face losing her husband and sons, with the clouded hope of them still being alive, drove the emotional plot point, For Shaila, grief is not an option. She is frustrated in being calm when she didn’t have to be.  This makes her callous. The thought of hope of her family miraculous alive drives the definition of stages of grief to work through the story: denial, anger fear, bargaining, and acceptance. (though the order of the stages varies to each individual character).


Rip Van Winkle Blog Connect

Rip Van Winkle details a man’s escape through the wilderness, encountering mysterious presences as he wakes up 20 years to find a new world and many changes to his own life. There have been many stories in which the wilderness acts a figurative and sometimes literal portal to the supernatural that changes the characters in a unusual and at times scary way. One story that comes to mind, is the “Young Goodman Brown:” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It details good matured and well loved man just like Rip Van Winkle, who descents into the woods as a escort to a mysterious old man. As his journey goes the character Goodman Brown sees things that questions his very faith and love in humanity. He emerges out of the woods a changed man with a darker view of life that also affected his relationship with his loved ones. The concept of the wilderness hold supernatural ideals, said to be where all forces come to roam. Rip Van Winkle finds out that the old men in the woods were ghosts of Henry Hudson’s crew who vanished. Similarly in Young Goodman Brown, the main character encounters many anomalies that tricked his mind, such as seeing his wife and townspeople in a satanic ritual, without the idea of whether it was real or not. After their journeys through the wilderness, their own personal perception on life changed because of what they experience and the way it affected their loved ones interact with them. Rip emerged embracing life and its shortcomings, though Goodman Brown emerged with the darkness and lack of faith consuming him that he isolates himself and abuse the love of wife and townspeople. “He assured the company that it was a fact, handed down from his ancestors the historian that the Catskills Mountains had always been haunted by strange beings”