Author Archives: MelissaVargas

Snapshot of “The Bride comes to Yellow Sky”

In the Bride comes to yellow sky by Stephan Crane the protagonist Jack Potter symbolizes fear. Jack Potter got married and brought his wife back to his home town which is called Yellow Sky.He symbolizes fear because he was afraid to tell the people of his town that he was going to get married. Jack Potter is the town marshall which is a high position for a person in such a small town. On page 29 it states,”He knew full well that this marriage was an important thing to his town. It could only be exceeded by the burning of the new hotel. His friends could not forgive him. Frequently he had reflected on the advisability of telling then by telegraph, but a new cowardice had been upon him. he feared to do it. And now the train was hurrying toward a scene of amazement, glee, and reproach”. This snapshot demonstrates his fear of getting rejected by his community. He feels guilty that he did not tell anyone about his wedding so they would throw him a big celebration as it is a tradition. Jack Potter is a very considerate man him being that was is the main reason he believes his town will hate him and give him the cold shoulder when they discover what he has done behind they’re back.


Why must Edward Prendick be so judgmental towards the people of the island?

In the Island of Dr.Mareau, the protagonist Edward Prendick is very judgmental towards everyone he encounters on the island. He does not view them as humans but rather as creatures of some kind. As it states on pg 48, ” The apparition of this grotesque half-bestial creature had suddenly populated the stillness of the afternoon for me. I looked around me rather nervously and regretted that I was unarmed. Then I thought that the man I had just seen clothed in bluish cloth, had not been naked as a savage would have been, and I tried to persuade myself from the fact that he was after all probably a peaceful character, that the dull ferocity of his countenance belied him”. He judges by looks.  Edward is rather scared of the people of the island because of the fact that he has never seen humans with the same complexion of them. It is rather intriguing to him. The enviorment is also very different from what he is acostomed to. Where he is from the people us clothes and cover themselves up but in this society in the island people are naked. The people of the island have diffrent ways of living and it oddly scares him somehow. The way Edward is treating these people is an normal instinct reaction to such drastic change from what he grew up being taught.

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and Beyond The Bayou by Kate Chopin

There are various similarities and differences between “The Story of an hour” and “Beyond The Bayou” in regards to feminism. Chopin depicts the struggles of female characters by characterizing them as being fragile. In The Story of an Hour Mrs. Mallard has a heart trouble and suddenly receives the horrifying news that her husband has been killed in an accident. Mrs. Mallard does not have a normal reaction. The fact that Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble it made her seem very weak. Why couldn’t it be vice versa with her husband. I felt that is was characterizing females as complicated. On page 47 it states ” She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will”, my educational guess is that Mrs. Mallard is approaching her death and some spirt has came for her. The news  about her husbands death affected her not at the moment but afterwards. In Beyond The Bayou the author characterized women of being equal to men. On page 50 it states ” She dwelt alone in her solitary cabin, for the rest of the quarters had long since been removed beyond her sight and knowledge. She had more physical strength than most men” this depicts the character as a strong independent women.                                                   In The story of an hour Mrs. Mallard does change but not voluntarily it seems that something has gotten into her and took control of her body and soul. The settings are very different from one another. The Story of the hour setting takes place in a home where a women finds out devastating news about what had occurred to her husband and she goes running to a room where she passes her last few moments alive. In Beyond The Bayou the setting takes place in a remote area where the people living on it work on it daily.