Author Archives: margarita moctezuma

Okonkwo Journal Entry (group 4)

i have had it up to here with those white men. Not only do they take me away and tortured me with whips and starve me. They make me seem less of a man now. Who are they to come to my clan and destroy all that was good in this great clan. They have come to ruin everything, they have corrupted the minds of many of the people of Umuofia, that including the person that i had once called my son. In the eyes of those white men Umuofia must be seen as weak. But now is the time to act. If the clan decides to avoid war with the white men than i shall take revenge myself. i have always known that these men in the clan are weak. Only I am the strongest of them all. Ive have said it once and ill say it again. If i do not do the job, the job will never be done. i shall wait and see what the meeting will be about tomorrow morning. But until then, i will wait with my armer and weapons to be ready to go into war or go alone myself.


I’ve decided to write this Journal Entry because as we get to the ending of the novel we start to see a lot more emotion coming from Okonkwo. We are able to see a lot more on what goes on in his mind. in the beginning of the book we were not sure what kind of man Okonkwo really was. But now that we get to this part of the novel we see that Okonkwo is very revengeful and likes to take action by his own had. He makes it seem like the clan will never be able to take control unless its with war. So during part 3 it seems like the Narrator does not restrict us from okonkwo’s mine and it seems like the narrator does not justify Okonkwo anymore as much as he did in the beginning of the novel.

“The Old Ones”

“They have lived under the sea a good deal,building fantastic cities and fighting terrific battles with nameless adversaries by means of intricate devices employing unknown principles of energy. Evidently their scientific and mechanical knowledge far supassed man’s today, though they made use of its more widespread and elaborate forms only when obligated to. Some of the sculptures suggested that they had passed through a stage of mechanised life on other planets, but haf receded upon finding its effects emotionally unsatisfying.”
when looking back at our class discussion we started to wonder how far advance were these beings at one point. We knew that they had created their own city and by the way that it was described it seemed to be very well made. It also seemed to be far advance than what man knew how to do till today. In this snapshot we see that the Old Ones have been on earth for a long time at lot longer than what dyer thinks. We also start to see that the Old Ones had lived under water and has also built cities down there too. Dyer also talks about how it seemed that the Old Ones had used their abilities when only needed. This could also mean that they did not use distruction, they rather used their knowledge for building more on their society. And because of there advance knowledge it looked like they had lived in other planets before coming to earth. At the ending of the snapshot it says “ finding its effects emotionally unsatisfying” which makes me think that although the old ones have traveled and built many cities in different places one spot was never enough so they had to keep moving and building more.

Clue “The Evil Looking Boatmen”

Is Edward Prendick imagining everything that he sees or is it real?  When it comes to the story there is a combination of realistic details and just plain weird details. The way Prendick describe everything, it almost seems believable. “I looked steadily at them, and the impression did not pass, though I failed to see what had occasioned it. They seemed to me then to be brown men, but their limbs were oddly swathed in some thin dirty white stuff down even to the fingers and feet…I found afterwards that really none were taller than myself, but their bodies were abnormally long and the thigh-part of the leg short and curiously twisted… the face of the man whose eyes were luminous in the dark.” (24) just by this small section of the story we now start to get a better picture/idea on how the people of the island look like. And by the looks of it they don’t seem normal. Their legs are oddly shaped, their face and arms. We know that Edward has been stranded in a Didley for a long time which we can imagine that his mind might be making him sees things that are not there. Although the reader might think that, the way that Edward started to describe how the island looked like and the Islanders it makes it seem like its real. And that he is not making this up in his head. All the wired details start with how he describes how the islanders look like and how strange Montgomery and his companion is.

The Small Towns People ( Rip Van Winkle and The Bride Comes To Yellow Shy)

When it comes to both the stories Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky by Stephen Crane they both share a similar yet different way of depicting the social dynamic of a small town. When it comes to the story Rip Van Winkle the people of the town do fit the way that people would normally think a small town would be. In the reading everyone knows each other and especially know who is Rip Van Winkle. Rip was known as the man that “would never even refuse to assist a neighbor”. When you think of small town peoples you think that everyone helps one another and is a peaceful town. So Irving took the more classic road when it came to describing the way the people of the town were. Especially with Rip.

When it came to The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky, Crane went in a different direction. He did not make the people of the town be as friendly with each other than how Irving did. In the story the drummer cried out “Scratchy Wilson’s drunk and has turned loose with both hands” meaning the old man that was in a gang once was so drunk that he is out and about to firing his revolver around town. Now when it came to this specific part of the story the towns people explained to the drummer that this was a normal thing that would happen in their small town and that when it did they would just close the door and lock themselves in because they knew that Wilson was a dangerous man when he was drunk. Now the drummer although he was scared that Wilson was outside drunk with his revolvers he saw that the people were not scared at all. When It comes to a small towns, people don’t normally think that gun fights would be a regular thing to happen. So in the end Crane did not go for a typical depiction of a small town.

I think that the only similarities that both stories do share would be that both people of the town counted on someone to help them. In the story Rip Van Winkle the people of the town would count on Rip to help them with anything that they needed help with. And the people in the small town the story The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky would normally count on Jack Potter to help them when it came to Scratchy Wilson.