Dear: Father
I have recently read a Story called “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin. This story made me think back to that night where you took me as your intern in the Indian camp. In this story “The Story of an Hour” the wife has to face the news of her husband death. This story ends with and unexpected twist. Where the wife is the one who ends up dead after, she found out her husband is still alive. Like that day on the Indian camp where things led to a horrific event. Where we first struggle in helping that Indian women and her baby survive. Then, we were over joy with the birth of the baby. And lastly, were shocked with the death of the father of the baby. Like in “The Story of An Hour” what appeared to be good news ended up in death. Both story ended with an ironic twist. Father this story made me think that live is not what it seems. Joy can represent a lot of thing to different people. This Indian man seemed like he died of joy. But, what if what he didn’t want was for this baby to be born. Maybe, like the women in the story he did not want this baby to be alive. Maybe, it represented responsibility for him. The women in the story depended on her husband for everything just like this baby would have depended on him for everything. Maybe, he died because, he was afraid of losing his freedom like the women in this story. I think that the responsibility of a new life was to overwhelming for him and that why he took his own life. Like on that day I am still confused and full of questions without any answers.
Singly, your son Nick
I think Nick can relate to “The Story of An Hour” because he too had to face an unexpected death. He was not prepared of what was going to be unfold in the Indian camp. At, the begging of the Indian Camp story he might felt inventors even excited to be with his father in such an important journey. However, at the end he was left confuse and with so many questions. I believe that Nick in this story represents the reader’s perspective and experience as he or she is reading the story. At the end, of the story I too had many questions. The theme of this story could be that in life not everything has an answer and, sometime things just happen without any explanation.