Author Archives: Minorka

Okonkwo never shows weakness

Okonkwo never shows weakness

While reading these chapters one quote stand out to me, “The harmattan was in the air and seemed to distill a hazy feeling of sleep on the world”. I believe this quote explain the 4 chapters we read, because it says that something dark is coming. You can see it in air. In other words something bad was about to happen. But even in earlier chapters it tells you that okonkwo didn’t like the way that ikemefuma was turning his son into. It was like as he was turning him into a good boy to his mother. But okonkwo only wanted him to be just like him, the man. Because okonkwo was feeling like he’s The man, the strongest, he wasn’t suppose to do anything of soft hearted to anyone. That’s the reason ikemefuma was dead. And it was affecting okonkwo deep side, because after his death he couldn’t eat. Even thought okonkwo tries to show this character of strength, deep inside he had a soft heart for those that he felt some kind of affection. But it was difficult showing this character when all these wars were going on, and he needed to show strength. And anything that was nice to do was a weakness to okonkwo. Probably that’s why the ghost of his father haunted him. We also see that he didn’t really like the special dinner of the year, which was a tradition like thanksgiving. In analyzing this fact is probably because he didn’t want to be a lazy man like his father or weak. Overall okonkwo is not fan of being weak or lazy. He always need to show strength to his village, and it doesn’t matter who has to be beating for that or killed.

Create; the dog-man

Dear Master Prendick:

I’m a faithful to you master ever since we met at the beach. I’m more than faithful, I’m your slave. I will take care of you while you sleep and I will watch your back from the horrible hyena- swine. Although most of my race are angry and are fools for believing that our master is dead. They believe that having a master is pain and torture, but not for me master. Having you as a master and having a Law is a blessing. You are a powerful master you can do anything you want. If you want to kill them all you can, because you are our master.
With love from the dog-man

While reading these chapters the question of why is the dog-man so faithful was brought to my attention. I believe the importance of the dog is how prendick wasn’t meant to be alone even from the beginning of the story. After dr Moreau and Montgomery die, he still have his faithful dog-man. In addition the reason this dog is so faithful is probably because based on reality dog the most faithful animal to men. Although the island had its beautiful view and a dog next to prendick it was like reality yet turning to the dark side of the dog still not being a regular dog and having the creature hyena swine hunting him.

Connect in “a goodman is hard to find” by Flannery O’Connor

Do evil change people from good to bad or is it people that make them a monster ?

The story “a goodman is hard to find by Flanders O’ Connor is about a grandmother that believes that she shouldn’t be killed because she’s a lady. For the grandmother a good man means having the same values she has. She believes in Jesus , and thinks that even if you do bad in this world you will still go to heaven. Which applies to her, since she’s a very selfish person. Who manipulate her son and lies to her grandchildren. And when she’s confronted by the misfit in the woods after the car accident, she don’t even please for the life of her family. The misfit is a man who believe that nothing in this world is pleasure. And since the grandmother is one evil person she trigger the misfit to become the misfit and do what he does to people. Which is basically taking the evil road. This story is told in the limited omniscient in describing the thoughts of the main characters. The main theme is about the goodness in a man. It symbolize the loss of innocence when the misfit is judge and charge of things and then proven guilty.

This story is similar to young goodman brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the way that young goodman brown is a goodman who believe in Jesus and the people and is pull into the evil. This story take place in the woods which is why it’s also similar to “a goodman is hard to find” . We also know that this story is told in the third person limited omniscient. We can also compare the theme of young goodman brown being a good man. And symbolism of a goodman loss of innocence. Overall these two stories are very similar after all.

Blog post “every day use” by Alice walker


After reading “ everyday use” by Alice walker, these are some of the clue I found interesting to analyze.
“orchids are tacky” this is one clue where it can definitely means how the relationship between Dee and her mother was. Although Dee always got to do anything she wanted to Maggie felt like she had to hide in corners with her scars. So even the sisters relationship.
“river of make-believe” most of the time they were living in a lie with Dee. Dee always felt kind of ashamed of the way her mother and Maggie lived that most of the time she would not bring her friends. She was ashamed of how her mom didn’t have any education. She was only good at doing man’s job.
“lizards disappearing” this is the description of Dee’s hair. It’s how’s that it is straight and nice just like a city girl would have her hair, although maggie’s hair was never like that. Dee was more of a fancy girl.
“Your heritage” in this word is everything on how Maggie would most likely keep the tradition in her family alive by wearing her great grandmother create which is what made Dee so upset because really wanted to have them but not for the same intensions. That’s why Dee put her sunglasses and got in her car and left. She would argue that Maggie would probably destroy the dresses just by wear them at home and washing it the wrong way. She believed she would do a better job would them, but her mother didn’t think the same way. That’s why the mother turn to Maggie and kissed her in the forehead to indicate that she will do a great job no matter what the others will say. After that Maggie had a beautiful smile in her face showing that she wasn’t really scare anymore, she was more like happy that her mother felt that way