Okonkwo Journal Entry (group 4)

i have had it up to here with those white men. Not only do they take me away and tortured me with whips and starve me. They make me seem less of a man now. Who are they to come to my clan and destroy all that was good in this great clan. They have come to ruin everything, they have corrupted the minds of many of the people of Umuofia, that including the person that i had once called my son. In the eyes of those white men Umuofia must be seen as weak. But now is the time to act. If the clan decides to avoid war with the white men than i shall take revenge myself. i have always known that these men in the clan are weak. Only I am the strongest of them all. Ive have said it once and ill say it again. If i do not do the job, the job will never be done. i shall wait and see what the meeting will be about tomorrow morning. But until then, i will wait with my armer and weapons to be ready to go into war or go alone myself.


I’ve decided to write this Journal Entry because as we get to the ending of the novel we start to see a lot more emotion coming from Okonkwo. We are able to see a lot more on what goes on in his mind. in the beginning of the book we were not sure what kind of man Okonkwo really was. But now that we get to this part of the novel we see that Okonkwo is very revengeful and likes to take action by his own had. He makes it seem like the clan will never be able to take control unless its with war. So during part 3 it seems like the Narrator does not restrict us from okonkwo’s mine and it seems like the narrator does not justify Okonkwo anymore as much as he did in the beginning of the novel.

2 thoughts on “Okonkwo Journal Entry (group 4)

  1. Chandrica Siewsankar

    The actions of messengers do hurt Okonkwo’s pride because throughout the novel he has been depicted as this as a tough and fearless warrior and his clansmen also sees him this way. But when the white messengers treated like a pushover and he is unable to retaliate, his image of a fearless warrior is broken and he feels disrespected. We do get to see more of Okonkwo’s emotions, unlike the beginning, and how he feels towards his clansmen, as well as the white men. He sees his clansmen as being cowards and I think he feels like he’s the only person that would have to stand up to the white man. Also we get to know more about Okonkwo and how he’s similar to his father because despite being depicted as fearless, he is a coward just like his father. At the end when he killed the man, he ran and later we found out that he has hanged himself. He’s a coward and not fearless, like he tried to be because he hanged himself to avoid the white man and he left behind his wives and children to care for themselves.

  2. Jonathan Veras

    I agree that Okonkwo belives he is the man fit for the job. After being away for seven years, Okonkwo returns to a weak clan, filled with men too afraid to wage war. The white man have came in and taken their people, land, and slowly their humanity. After being imprisoned within the court, Okonkwo comes out of this nightmare with revenge in his eyes. He is giving his people one last chance to gather and set for war. He is interested in what his enemy Egonwanne has to say in the upcoming clan meeting. Okonkwo has made up his mind the night before to fight with his men or alone if they back out.

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