“The Dead” Clue Blog Post (Group 3)

Originally in class the question as to “Why did everyone gather for Misses Morkan’s annual dance?”, was brought to light. When Gabriel began his speech in honor of Misses Morkan’s, this question is answered. “I wish from my heart it may do so for many and many a long years to come– the tradition of genuine warmhearted courteous–Irish hospitality, which our forefathers have handed down to us and which we in turn must hand down to our descendants, is still alive among us” (pg72). From Gabriel’s choice of words it seems that the annual dance has became a tradition within this community. The Morkan sisters, host this dance in order to pass down morals practiced by previous generations. Later in the speech Gabriel continues to  mention the “new generation” whom are actuated by new ideas and new principles. He believes due to the sceptical, thought-tormented age they live in, that this “new generation”, educated or hypereducated, may lack qualities of humanity, of hospitality, and kind humor, which belong to an older day. Misses Morkan’s annual dance however, give these kids (new generation) an opportunity to be surrounded by people of all ages, in hopes of influencing them to stay true to their kindhearted, people loving ways. The dance is the physical representation of the “old days” way of living and loving thy neighbor, still being practiced.

One thought on ““The Dead” Clue Blog Post (Group 3)

  1. Natalie Yeung

    It is interesting you view the annual dance as a symbol of the “old days” way of living and loving thy neighbor. I view it as a repetition of a same boring rich lifestyle with no meaningful purpose. They think their life is so interesting because they can host a ball every years and invite friends to come celebrate. But it’s just a same old meaningless repetition, Gabriel mentioned about his grandfather’s horse that only goes around and around in a circle also hints the repetition of a tradition and lifestyle. As Gabriel is telling the story of this foolish horse he is making fun of the “servant”, how they repeat the same chores everyday because they are not smart enough for other tasks. Gabriel enjoys his lifestyle as this rich and educated men in the upper class, but he does not understand that he is also in a boring repetition lifestyle as well. Being at this annual ball every year, there is always dance, music, food and a great speech of how grateful they are. Even in this repetition of boring rich lifestyle he thinks he is better than other people, those who is not as rich or as educated as he is.

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