HW for October 24; Essay 2 description up now (updated 10/20)

Dear class,

Thanks for your hard work today.  I’m excited to begin our Novel unit.  As mentioned in class, the Essay 2 assignment description will be up on Friday. [UPDATE 10/20: Essay 2 assignment description is now available under Handouts.]

In the meantime, please read the Introduction and chapters 1-7 of Moreau. Use the lessons we’ve been practicing over the last few weeks: formulate interpretation-based questions to guide your reading, about any of the Elements of fiction.

Blog group 4 is slated to post by 5 pm on Sunday, 10/23.  Group 4: as usual, you have a choice of Clue, Connect, or Create posts, with the expectation that you should do a different category than you did in the first round of blogging.  Using notes from class + our own guiding questions, write a post that does any of the following:

-focuses on one “snapshot” from the first 7 chapters of Moreau, that seems to feature a mixture/combination of realistic details and surrealistic, supernaturalistic, or just plain weird details.  Explaining how the combination might offer a clue to answering one of your guiding questions.

Compares/connects any “snapshot” from the first 7 chapters to any snapshot from our readings so far  Try to make one claim about why comparing those snapshots help you answer your guiding question.

Create a paragraph-long monologue from the perspective of one minor character from the first 7 chapters of the novel. In a second paragraph, briefly explain how your monologue offers insight into answers to one of your guiding questions.

As usual, commenters should take care to post by the beginning of class Monday.

[UPDATE 10/20: A reminder that you need to obtain the right edition of Dr. Moreau – the same one available in the bookstore. I have updated the ISBN number in Course Policies to reflect this.  The bookstore only has 2 copies left.  

If you show up and there are no copies left, speak with a sales associate about filling out a pre-pay form and ordering the out-of-stock book. Provide your name and phone number, and the bookstore will call you when the book is available for purchase. When the book arrives, the bookstore will hold a copy behind the counter for you to purchase.

Have a great weekend!


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