HW for October 6 (Joyce annotation)

Dear class,

Thank you for your hard work today.  I’m confident that, over the next few classes, your hard work will train you to ask good guiding questions, which in turn will enable you to take better snapshots for richer analysis.  This will make the experience of reading our 3 novels (Wells, Lovecraft, Achebe) a little less intimidating!

For homework, please focus on pp.55-59 of “The Dead.”  As usual, take notes in the margins, either on questions you have, or clarifying definitions of words/phrases.  Take a picture of one annotated page and upload it (either as .jpeg or PDF) to the appropriate dropbox (under Assignments + Essays Dropbox) by 11 am tomorrow.  We will spend tomorrow’s class wading further into “The Dead” together.

Note that there is no blog or comment due tomorrow.  However, I am expecting you to keep track of how many comments you have completed!  Remember that you should have 12 comments – approximately one per week – by the end of the semester, and you can’t make up comments if more than a week has passed.

Happy annotating!


Professor Kwong

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