Xiara Guzman Create

As Bobby Lee cleans up the mess The Misfit left for him he quickly asks “You seem as if killing that old lady wasn’t as fun like the other ones.” The Misfit looked at him with a sorrow face but quickly mask it. “She just brought up some old memories, crazy old lady shouldn’t have laid her fingers on me.” Bobby Lee looked at him with pity, “Forget about those parents of yours you have a new family people who understand you.” The Misfit looked at him with a mischievous smile remembering how he burned his family home down with both his parents inside. “Thank you Bobby Lee for that slight reminder of who I am.” He looked at him confused but shrugged it off as they both walked toward Hiram.
My question towards the end of the story was what happened to The Misfit that lead him from a well happy home to a mass murder? I created this piece by explaining that he became like this due to setting his home on fire with both of his parents inside. Concluding that he was lying about his father dying of a flu and it was really him who killed him, but doesn’t want anyone to know. Basically he found joy in killing and just continue doing it and that’s how he became The Misfit.

2 thoughts on “Xiara Guzman Create

  1. Chris

    I would have to argue on the fact that he finds the joy in killing and he just continues to do so. The name of the Misfit was given and labeled on him and was not something he asked to be called, regardless of whether the fact he actually did murder his father or not. He is just fulfilling the role that was given to him. If he enjoyed killing, then why did he not go kill the rest of the family and not have Bobby Lee do it for him? Why didn’t he kill the grandmother when he had a chance instead from a reaction of being startled when she touched him? I believe he would have shot the grandmother when he had enough of her talk but he was patient and did not and let his colleagues do the dirty work if he found joy in killing.

  2. margarita moctezuma

    All though i see where your going with how the misfit is seen at the end as a twisted murder i think that before he went to prison he was more of a good man but when it said in the story how he was sent to prison unjustly, what ever he learned in there was what made him the person that he ended up being. I think that in his mind there was no justice for him so he changed in the process while being in prison. And kept the role that he was viewed in, in prison and then after escaping he continued to kill. But i think that in the end he did not want to kill as much as what people would think he would, so in the end his partner ended up murdering the rest of the family and tried in a way to convince himself that, this is what he does and nothing could change it.

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