An Hour And The Bayou

“The Story Of An Hour” and “Beyond The Bayou” by Kate Chopin are both different from each other, but both are about a woman and they are the main characters in the story. The story of an hour is about a woman named Mrs. Mallard with heart disease. For some reason the writer showed us that her husband died in the beginning of the story to build a connecting with readers and the main character’s health situation. Since she was diagnosed with the heart disease, a lot of things were going around in her mind. When she locked herself in her room, she felt like something was talking to her. “She said it over and over under her breath: “free, free, free!””.(pg: 47). That shows she finally got her freedom and it tells us what kind of relationship she had with her husband. I tried to compare this story with one of the stories I’ve read in my other class called “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I can find a similarity between these two stories. In “The Yellow Wallpaper” the main character used to talk to the wall and the writer mentioned that she saw something on the wall, like Mrs. Mallard was talking to herself. In the other hand “Beyond The Bayou” is about an independent woman, who works as hard as a man. Her name was Jacqueline but she was known as La Folle. She used to work hard every day. She made a friendship with the son of the owner of Bellissime named Cheri. He used to come to her all the time and tell her everything. I can compare this story to one of the story we’ve read in this class “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker. The main character or the mother used to work like La Folle all the time. She was a strong woman too. When I was comparing the two characters from “The Story Of An Hour” and “Beyond The Bayou”, I couldn’t find any similarity between two of them. Mrs. Mallard is kind of quiet person and La Folle is always friendly and outgoing.

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