Connect “Everyday Use”

Alice Walker’s, “Everyday Use” is a piece of literature that embodies varies literary elements such as, introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and style to help readers better comprehend the writing as a whole. Walker tells the story from the point of view of Mama, who is the mother of Dee and Maggie. The climax of Walker’s story is when Mama said, “when I looked at her like that something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet. Just like when I’m in church and the spirit of God touches me and I get happy and shout”. Before I get into why Mama felt that way, let’s backtrack a bit. Dee returned home with the intent to only acquire some quilts that clearly has deep meaning for the family. The quilts are a symbol of their heritage and Dee wants to take the quilts that are supposedly meant for Maggie. Dee insults Mama and stated that Maggie shouldn’t be handed down the quilts because she “can’t appreciate these quilts!” The climax, which I stated before, is the emotional high point of the story because that’s when Mama realizes that Maggie was willing to give up the quilts to her sister, who has gotten everything before in life. Mama then feels for Maggie and tells Dee to take the other two quilts that wasn’t Maggie’s and leave. Mama gives the precious family heirloom to Maggie, despite Dee asking for them. A lot of people can relate to the Walker’s climax because most people have had a dramatic or suspenseful event in their life. One climatic moment I have had in my life is I was nearly hit by a car while crossing the street. I was leaving home after an argument with my mother and a few blocks away a car was speeding and it ran a red light. I was almost across the street when it came about a few feet from hitting me. It would have been fatal, but I thank God that it wasn’t my time. After that event I have had a different outlook on life. Life is short and you never know when it’s your time, so enjoy your time in this world and spend it with the ones you love. “And then the two of us sat there just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed”. Walker ended the story with this quote and this connects to my experience because spending quality time with loved ones is extremely important because you will regret it if you don’t.

2 thoughts on “Connect “Everyday Use”

  1. Haris

    I really like how you interpreted the story . I did exactly the same thing .I agree with how you explain the introduction, the rising action,climax,the falling action and style. The connection at the end was amazing because i could relate to that climax of walker too. I remember when i fell of the roof back in my home country and i got hit on the head i was really badly injured the doctors said it was a miracle that I survived after a long recovery time i thanked god for giving me another chance. The quote Walker ended the story with also relates to my experience because life is really short nobody knows when it is their time so enjoy and live your life to the fullest with your loved ones do not stop because you never know their might not be another tomorrow.

  2. Randy.Adzadi

    I agree with this blog, sometimes the true way to gage someone’s belief in love over one’s selfish intent is through sacrifice. The quilts though was a symbol of the love and heritage of the family had for one another, sometimes greed can consume all. Dee insults mama believing that maggie would not appreciate the quilts. The child who screams and tantrums for everything that they want, will get it at the end, but will not much further than that. The idea of maggie more than willing to give up the quilts, showed a moral stability and understand in what it means to be part of a family
    I don’t know who is the Dee or Maggie in my family, nor would i want to compare, between my older siblings. We have some selfish intents with ourselves and insults toward each other, but 1. we love each other and our mother we would do anything for each other, to hear each other and come to resolution 2. we are only human after the fact. The concept of this story is very intriguing because it plays off love and sacrfice over selfish needs and anger and how the consequences affect the characters

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