Okonkwo never shows weakness

Okonkwo never shows weakness

While reading these chapters one quote stand out to me, “The harmattan was in the air and seemed to distill a hazy feeling of sleep on the world”. I believe this quote explain the 4 chapters we read, because it says that something dark is coming. You can see it in air. In other words something bad was about to happen. But even in earlier chapters it tells you that okonkwo didn’t like the way that ikemefuma was turning his son into. It was like as he was turning him into a good boy to his mother. But okonkwo only wanted him to be just like him, the man. Because okonkwo was feeling like he’s The man, the strongest, he wasn’t suppose to do anything of soft hearted to anyone. That’s the reason ikemefuma was dead. And it was affecting okonkwo deep side, because after his death he couldn’t eat. Even thought okonkwo tries to show this character of strength, deep inside he had a soft heart for those that he felt some kind of affection. But it was difficult showing this character when all these wars were going on, and he needed to show strength. And anything that was nice to do was a weakness to okonkwo. Probably that’s why the ghost of his father haunted him. We also see that he didn’t really like the special dinner of the year, which was a tradition like thanksgiving. In analyzing this fact is probably because he didn’t want to be a lazy man like his father or weak. Overall okonkwo is not fan of being weak or lazy. He always need to show strength to his village, and it doesn’t matter who has to be beating for that or killed.

One thought on “Okonkwo never shows weakness

  1. Michael Mendoza

    I was very surprised that Okonkwo let Ikemefuna die. I seriously thought that he was going to reject the idea of killing him because even though he wont admit it he is really fond of Ikemefuna and really thinks of him as his own son. His pride to be a man, to be masculine and not be feminine which is equal to being weak, led to the death of Ikemefuna. I agree that since Okonkwo couldn’t even eat it means he was depressed about the death of Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna was part of their family and got along with everyone. Even though Okonkwo wont admit it he really loved that child.

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