“The Old Ones”

“They have lived under the sea a good deal,building fantastic cities and fighting terrific battles with nameless adversaries by means of intricate devices employing unknown principles of energy. Evidently their scientific and mechanical knowledge far supassed man’s today, though they made use of its more widespread and elaborate forms only when obligated to. Some of the sculptures suggested that they had passed through a stage of mechanised life on other planets, but haf receded upon finding its effects emotionally unsatisfying.”
when looking back at our class discussion we started to wonder how far advance were these beings at one point. We knew that they had created their own city and by the way that it was described it seemed to be very well made. It also seemed to be far advance than what man knew how to do till today. In this snapshot we see that the Old Ones have been on earth for a long time at lot longer than what dyer thinks. We also start to see that the Old Ones had lived under water and has also built cities down there too. Dyer also talks about how it seemed that the Old Ones had used their abilities when only needed. This could also mean that they did not use distruction, they rather used their knowledge for building more on their society. And because of there advance knowledge it looked like they had lived in other planets before coming to earth. At the ending of the snapshot it says “ finding its effects emotionally unsatisfying” which makes me think that although the old ones have traveled and built many cities in different places one spot was never enough so they had to keep moving and building more.

5 thoughts on ““The Old Ones”

  1. Minorka

    Yes, as margarita said already these pre-human’s scientific and mechanical knowledge exceed man’s today. There were so smart that it was hard for today’s man to explain their buildings measurements. There’s pre-human have one under water and today’s man know that they are coming back. Although it would take some time for the pre-human to come back, because in order for that to happen today’s man life would have to go extinct. We can compare the life of the pre-human to the mountains, just like the mountains are so huge and so tall. The building with the symbolic five shape at the top were so high. How does this affect affect today’s human?. In other words the pre-human life building were so high ad advance, and todays’s man building are not so advanced. It was like today’s man were downgraded. And like the pre-human life were the most powerful ones.

  2. Brandon Reyes

    I agree with this blog because we talk alot about the old ones and we found out that their are more smarter then us but from this it show that they were here before anyone on earth and they created more things that we dont even have the technology to do all things they have builded and its crazy how they dont stay and they leave there creation and its shocking how dyer is going crazy and wanting to find more of what they had created

  3. Michael Acosta

    That last quote really makes me think that Dyer thinks in a higher level because he thought that the effects of the Ancient Ones doings is emotionally unsatisfying. I can infer that Dyer felt unsatisfied with the ancient ones doings because although they were so intellectually superior they felt little to no effect on the present. I believe that the ancient ones chose to abandon what they started on purpose to make humans discover and learn things for themselves rather than just handing humans the knowledge the ancient one’s posses. I think that the ancient ones decided to let humans fend of themselves.

  4. Chandrica Siewsankar

    This snapshot does indicate that the Old Ones had been living on earth years before mankind and were building these magnificent structures in which they lived in. It also shows how developed these beings were and that they were clearly some kind of creatures who could live both below the sea and on land as well since he mentions that “they lived under the sea a good deal.” When Dyer mentioned that “the Old Ones only used their abilities when needed”, it could also mean that there were no other creatures or beings on earth at the time that would provoke the Old Ones into using their abilities so basically the Old Ones were the rulers or ones that were greatly respected by other beings.

  5. Jonabellb

    I would agree that these creatures were indeed beyond that of human intelligence but the last sentence of the snapshot had a different appeal towards me. They were without a doubt highly intelligent creature able construe these fantastic cities and they’re abilities made them unique but I felt that the end of the snapshot implied that they grew bored of sculpturing things on different planets. They grew bored of merely sculpturing things and that in sense implies that they had find something more appealing which seemed to be traveling and exploring various planets.

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