Are We Alone?

As I walked towards the building which only continued to overwhelm me in size in which the architecture blew me away. As I entered the building, I noticed the Labyrinthine complexity structure the building had. The contours and proportions of the building seemed off to me but I dismissed it for a moment to marvel at the beautiful geometric symmetry some of the murals and sculptures contained. I have never seen anything like this, nor has any human ever capable of replicating what I was seeing. As I approached the light-debris filled echo chambers, both me and Danforth eyes gravitated towards the five-point we have been seeing. We started realizing that the connection to religion wasnā€™t the reasoning but something we didnā€™t want to believe. Upon inspecting the carvings, we realized the time frame in which the monstrous dead city lived in which manā€™s ancestors were merely primitive archaic mammals. It only meant one thing as both the thought left us frozen in time. We knew what we concluded would be hard to be taken seriously even with photographs that can only capture only an essence of what we encountered. We were not alone and I realized what must be stoppedā€¦ the invasion of the Antarcticā€¦..

The above monologue of Dyer simple shows his thought process as he is discovering the building and its insides which give him and his partner an insight to the date of the carvings of the sculpture and the city itself. The realization of the five-point not being associated with religion or any culture ideas leads him to believe in the far-fetched belief he shared of the aliens living long before the humans and how they functioned and lived as a society with the governmental and hunting process.

4 thoughts on “Are We Alone?

  1. Chris

    This above monologue not only shows his thought process of what he is discovering, he is also showing his true emotions towards what he is seeing first hand that he was in denial of believing. He is in a state of both fear and astonishment. He shows astonishment at how advanced and intelligent these creatures must have been since no man could ever replicate it. He shows fear of this city with its complexity of architecture and the time frame before primitive archaic mammals showing how advanced these creatures were. Through his realization of this discovery, he now fears the worst is true and yet to come as he states at the end of the monologue.

  2. Antman (Antonio M.)

    I understand the angle in which your projecting the idea of this story segment, aligned with the realization that they gradually came to that they were not alone in this Arctic land of ā€˜death.ā€™ However, I would not agree wholly on your last statement describing the Elder Oneā€™s Presence as an invasion mainly because evidently, they were here before us. As the crew was exploring was exploring the mural they made an important discovery ā€œAnother raceā€¦soon began filtering down from the cosmic infinity andā€¦ drove the Old Ones wholly back to the sea (Pg. 124).ā€ This is important because it shows us that not only were they the first ones here but they were invaded in the past, and our crew of discoverers being here and messing with Old-One-graves makes them invaders too. For that reason I would have tweaked your idea of why they were scared in your created story segment, but otherwise, I loved the idea and where you were going!

  3. Esmeralda Vizueth

    I think the main reason people do not want to “believe,” is fear. As Dyer, people tend to fear the unknown; it’s part of our nature. In your monologue, Dyer (as Chris said) shows his emotions towards the alien architecture — fear, and amazement. In the last class, we discussed the obsession some people have about aliens and the supernatural; this monologue also explains that. Open minded people want to believe there’s something beyond our expectations, off limits, something that that defies logic. Dyer has found it, and wants to preserve it as he found it, because he fears the consequences of disturbing its peace.

  4. Jonathan Veras

    Dyer’s interest in this alien life form and community comes from the fear he has of discovering something inhuman. Stuck in this unknown world, and being the first humans to interact with this dead city is mind blowing. He is stuck wondering how would he be able to explain his experiences to the outside world without sounding insane. Through the written monologue above, you are able to pick up Dyer’s interests in continuing this journey through these buildings, and documenting as many sculptures as possible.

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