Create: Hyena-Swine Monologue

“Every time the man with the whip prepares for his meal, something smell especially good. A lot better than what I found to eat in the woods. And when I saw Leopard man hunt for the rabbit, I  want in on that. But the master knows everything, and that is why they cornered Leopard man. And now the master is dead, that 5-fingers man is no master, he bleed and feel pain just like the rest of us. I will hunt on all four for flesh, this some how come very naturally to me. Sucking up water in all four is so satisfying, I didn’t feel bad for the dog man I ate. In fact I bet the 5-fingers man taste just as good too, and I will chase after him. ”

This is the monologue of the Hyena-swine, he has retrogress to his beast form and finds it much fulfilling. My guiding question was what does the animal represent? The dog man has loyal just like the characteristic, he has to find a master to obey to, and he die fulfilling his master’s wish. It is a tragic but the Dog-man probably feels he fulfilled his purpose. The Dog-Man represent loyalty.

“The two most formidable Animal Men were my Leopard-man and a creature made of Hyena and swine.”

The Hyena-swine are two animals who eat meat naturally, and the way Moreau force them to obey the law to not eat flesh is unnatural to him. I would say the Leopard man and Hyena-swine represent revolt, he was being oppressed under Dr. Moreau’s law and when he saw Leopard-man broke the law, a part of Hyena-swine beast habitat tells him to do so too. But he was afraid of the House of Pain, but he sees that the master fears them too and the master bleed just like them. Hyena-swine knows he no longer have to be obeys the law, he no longer have to oppress his thirst for living his natural form.

One thought on “Create: Hyena-Swine Monologue

  1. Thanvir Hussain

    I really enjoyed reading your monologue as it shows the hesitation the swine used to have of animal instincts and human behavior is gone and now the embrace of the former is only present. The monologue can be seen as the internal transition that takes place once the master is dead leading to no regrets of showing the animal behavior. Even though it may be far fetched, the hyena-swine can possibly signify the ambition of humans. The need to chase after something greater and not being happy in the current position. The house of pain being comparable to the fear of failure an human might have.

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