HW for October 26; Blog 5 instructions

Dear class,

Thanks for those of you who contributed to the discussion today.  I hope that the reasons for coming prepared, with hard copies of the text, are clear.  It is unfair to your fellow students (as well as to me!), if class discussion slows down because people have to read over other people’s shoulders.  It also means that only a few students are doing the hard work of contributing to class discussion, while the majority sits back passively.  I expect this to change next class.

For homework, you should:

-read Ch.8-14. As you’re reading, I encourage you keep looking for passages or quotes that directly answer your own guiding questions, as well as questions we’ve discussed in class. I also encourage you to pay particular attention to the setting of the island.  At what parts of the island do specific events take place?  What details does Wells include when describing the island? Why do you think Wells chose to set this story on an island?

Heads up: there will be a basic reading quiz.

-upload a .jpeg of an annotated page from Ch. 9-11 to the appropriate dropbox (see Assignments Dropboxes) by 11 am on Wednesday.

read the Essay #2 assignment carefully.  Be on the lookout for snapshots that might be relevant to the assignment description, as well as snapshots that help answer your guiding questions.

-either blog by 5 pm Tuesday (if in Group #5) or comment by 11:30 am Wednesday (if not).  Blog group 5, as usual, you have a choice of Clue, Connect, or Create posts, with the expectation that you should do a different category than you did in the first round of blogging.  Using notes from class + our own guiding questions, write a post that does any of the following:

Clue: focuses on one “snapshot” from ch. 8-14 of Moreau, that features the physical environment in some important way; features an instance of fantastic hesitation; and/or seems to address one of your guiding questions.  (If it does all 3, all the better!) Referring to specific elements of fiction, explain how the scene might offer a clue to answering one of your guiding questions.

Compares/connects any “snapshot” from ch. 8-14 to any snapshot we discussed from ch. 1-7.  Try to make one claim about why comparing those snapshots help you answer your guiding question.

Create a paragraph-long monologue from the perspective of one minor character from ch. 8-14. In a second paragraph, briefly explain how your monologue offers insight into answers to one of your guiding questions.


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