Am I Dead? (Clue for The Island of Doctor Moreau)

Did Edward Prendick actually die when Lady Vain collided?

The story provides realistic details about events that took place along with things that can be deemed as supernatural and unrealistic. The physical traits that Edward describes of his encounter of the “black-faced man” shows there is something more to what meets the eye. The description of his physical traits of “..and the huge half-open mouth showed as big white teeth as I had ever seen in a human mouth. His eyes were blood-shot at the edges, with scarcely a rim of white round the hazel pupils.” (13) show that he is something Edward has never seen and possibly the supernatural. Perhaps he is in purgatory and is simply being transported to another place with people such who have an reason to being here like perhaps, the drunk captain who had lost his license due to putting people in danger or the doctor who has possibly done something with evil intent with his medical knowledge in London. The description of the “black faced man” and the constant barks from the animals being caged possibly display a bigger role in which Edward is in and a strong possibility of him dying on the boat and letting his mind wander before he finally dies.

3 thoughts on “Am I Dead? (Clue for The Island of Doctor Moreau)

  1. Jonathan Veras

    I agree that the barking animals heard while Prendick was in his room resting did have a higher meaning behind it, however, I dont necessarily believe it was about “his mind wondering before he dies on the boat.” I believe the animal barks heard helped set the environment Prendick was in. It gave readers a sense that Prendick may have been picked up by a vessel transporting exotic animals. After encountering the black faced man, we can begin speculating whether these animals were being transported to places for rehabilitation and zoo’s, or were they animals used for experiments. The strange appearance of the black faced man, and Montgomery’s past studies as a biologist, may suggest a scientific use of these animals in the near future. We can also begin to question, whether or not Prendick was picked up from sea because they wanted to help him, or did Montgomery have thoughts of using him for similar reasons as the animals?

  2. Randy.Adzadi

    I agree, the idea of experiencing a quite unexplainable occurence would drive anyone to believe that they have died and gone to some other plane of existence. But the factor of this being an actual reality among the supernatural too is truly terrifying as Edward is escorted more into the island as well as the unknown curiosity of what might happen to him on this dreaded island or with this insane doctor.

  3. Chandrica Siewsankar

    That’s a good interpretation of what you think happened in the story and how you think that Prendick may have been in “purgatory” since he’s seeing such creatures he has never seen before. At first I was beginning to think the same, that he is probably dead and is experiencing some form of the afterlife. The howling of the creatures was a huge indicator that led me to thinking that Prendick is either in another dimension or there is some sort of supernatural creature that is after Prendick because he hears the howling but he cannot pin point where it is coming from or what animals is creating such noise. My mind automatically drifted towards “hellhounds” when I read that part.

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