The Dead Clue

The snapshot I chose from ā€œThe Deadā€ was the speech that Gabriel gave after they had eaten dinner at the party. As Gabriel delivered the lengthy speech, the text stated ā€œA hearty murmur of assent ran around the table. It shot through Gabrielā€™s mind that Miss Ivors was not there and that she had gone away discourteously: and he said with confidence in himselfā€. From the quote was see a newfound confidence that we had not seen from Gabriel up until this point. The question that I thought this moment helped to clarify was would the character Gabriel change during the story. It was clear from his very introduction of the story that Gabriel did not do very well in social settings. When his character entered the story, the first social interaction that he had with another character Lily was awkward and he invaded her personal space with questions about her love life which resulted in her being offended. Another poor social experience that he had at the party was with the character Miss Ivors. During his conversation with her, he was constantly defensive as she asked him questions about his culture and how he has a lack of interest in it. As she continues to interrogate him, he eventually loses is composure and tells her that he was sick of Ireland. From these two examples it was clear that there was a change in Gabrielā€™s character to the point where he was confident enough to deliver a speech to all the people who attended the party.

2 thoughts on “The Dead Clue

  1. Thanvir Hussain

    I agree with your analysis of Gabriel which shows he is not the best in social interactions and he gets frustrated with the interrogation Miss Ivors conducts on him. The interaction with Lily is quickly dismissed with him tipping her to escape the awkward situation he placed himself also supports his lack of confidence in the social setting. Gabriel is someone who views his profession and knowledge superior to the other people at the party as evidenced by his desire to quote a certain poem which he believes will go over peopleā€™s head. He views himself in a highly matter and loses composure when his self-confidence is questioned.

  2. Randy.Adzadi

    I agree with this post. The snapshot that was presented gave a good idea of character change, especially within gabriel. With the use of the awkward conversation that he had with lily, to the dreaded talk with miss ivors, it gave a slight karmic to his behavior, drawing him out of his own comfort zone about a topic, the same as lily had to do for herself. With the absence of miss ivors, he was able to produce a well descriptive speech through his renewed self confidence

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