The Pathway of Evil “Young Goodman Brown

In the story Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne mentions the word evil at the end of the story where Goodman is at the ceremony. The devil is welcoming his new followers which Goodman and Faith, the way Hawthorne uses the word evil to create suspense is at the part when the devil said ” Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome, again my children, to the communion of your race!” Also when Goodman said “Herein did the Shape of Evil dip his hand and prepare to lay the mark of baptism upon their forehead, that they might be partakers of the mystery of sin. I believe Hawthorne want to show the readers that evil is everywhere and the people you think are good in the outside are actually bad people in the inside. In the beginning of the story Goodman calls the person he travels with” friend” which I believe was the devil because the way he explains the staff that he caring and then the traveler knew his grandfather and father. The traveler said that he helped them both and they were his good friends. After that there was the minister and Deacon Gookin which are supposed to be religious man spreading the word of God but find out that they are walking the same dark pathway as Goodman, show they are follower of the devil. Meanwhile the next person Goodman see is the old Christian lady Goody Cloyse and he finds out that she is a witch and is friend’s with the devil, the more farther Goodman goes thought the dark forest the more evil people he sees that live in his village. The only thing that keeps from falling to darkness was his wife Faith, but once he saw her walking the same pathway everything change, he tried to call her to him but then she vanished into the forest. At that point Goodman gave up on God and his faith. Once Goodman made it the end of the  forest where the ceremony is located, you can see that God tries to save Goodman when it said ” His own dead father beckoned him to advance, looking downward from a smoke-wreath, while a woman with dim feathers of despair, threw out her hand to warn him back.” It was too late Goodman was trapped and he try help his wife and himself to resist mark of the devil but she was ready to be baptized with the mark.

The story that I find that is connected to Young Goodman Brown is the story of Adam and Eve. The similarities of Goodman Brown is Adam and Eve both did not follow the path of goodness, righteous, what god presented it to them and the devil walk them to the wrong path. God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the apple she listen to the devil saying that why god is not giving you this knowledge she was tempted to eat it and disobeyed and they were thrown out of the garden of Eden because not following or listening the right path. Young Goodman Brown follows the same purpose because Gods Warning was told in faiths dream to not go to the journey but to stay with her. Goodman does not listen at all so he get tempted by the devil the further into the forest. Adam one life line was Eve the moment he trusted her and ate the apple he committed sin. Goodman one life line to stay with God was to stay with his wife Faith the moment he saw Faith following the same path as he, he gave up on God and received the mark of the Devil. At the end of both stories Adam and Eve regretted what they both committed and they both got kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Goodman regretted what he did from that episode and he lost faith in everything from that he died alone.



One thought on “The Pathway of Evil “Young Goodman Brown

  1. Jonabellb

    I would also have to say that Hawthorne’s word choice of evil completely created a sense of suspense. The transition from a seemingly normal day between a man and his wife parting ways to the daily errands to a dark and almost haunting type of writing.”He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind”. This statement alone allows us to imagine as well as notice how eerie such a path he is taking is. Th e one choice of one word, opened a huge change in the ways the reader perceives the story is going to be carry out from that point on and that’s exactly what Hawthorne did.

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