Author Archives: Professor Lucas Kwong

HW for 4/26

Hi all, thanks to everyone who turned in the final draft of their Lens Essay today.  I look forward to reading!

For Wednesday, as mentioned in class, please read over the Assignment Description, your notes from today, and “From Problems To Sources.”  Choose one Suggested Reading you would like to incorporate into your Research Revision.  You can find some of the material from today’s slides here: 12.1 Questions and Sources

In your blog post, describe which essay you’d like to revise.  Write a blog post explaining the scholarly question that you would like to pursue, and kinds of sources you might incorporate into your paper.  Remember, average blog post length should be around 250 words.

Also, a note that this Thursday, at 5:30 pm in Vorhees Theatre (186 Jay Street) is the Literary Arts Festival.  The festival will feature readings by the winners, performances, and an appearance by poet Rowan Ricardo Phillips.  Reception with food and drink to follow.  If you’re free, please consider attending!

See you Wednesday,

Professor Kwong 

HW for April 24: Lens Essay Due

Hi class,

Thanks for your hard work today.  A reminder that the lens essay is due Monday at the beginning of class.  Please bring a physical copy (with all the necessary documents stapled to the back) and upload to Dropbox before class.

Second, a reminder that your revision agenda should address 1 grammatical issue and 1 organizational/content issue.  If necessary, also include description of your tutor meeting.

Third, I also wanted to remind you that all the Lens Essay handouts – the sample outlines, sample relationships, assignment description, and the revision prompts – are available under Handouts.  Please consult these as you’re working this weekend  – they will come in handy!

Finally, please bring the reading “From Problems To Sources,” as well as one of the suggested readings, to class.  You do not have to read either, but just bring the documents.  Both are available under Readings.


Professor Kwong

Homework; note on Spring Break; meet at library on 4/19.

Dear class,

Thank you for your hard work today.  I hope you leave armed with constructive feedback for your revision process.  Please remember that, if you didn’t finish the paragraph for the second essay you read, you need to send that paragraph to your partner over the weekend, so that they can attach it to the back of their final draft (along with the other required documents).

As mentioned in class, break your revision process down in to the 4 step process.  At each step, cross-check your writing against your feedback.  For Step 1, you’ll want to especially check your peer review partner’s answers to Question 1; for Step 2, you’ll want to check their answers to Question 5; for steps 3 and 4, consult the rest of their feedback.

-NOTE ON SPRING BREAK! Your break lasts from April 10 through April 18.  There is no class on Monday, April 17!  Instead, we will meet at the Ursula K. Schwerin Library (Atrium, 4th Floor) on Wednesday, April 19 for a library session.  We will also have a make-up day on Thursday, April 20, starting with Lab at 10 am.

-I’ve decided to extend the deadline for the Lens Essay Final Draft.  Please note that the Final Draft will be due on Monday, April 24.  Make sure you turn in a hard copy and upload the electronic copy.

-Enjoy your break!

Lens Essay draft due April 5; note on midterm grades

Hi class,

Thanks for your hard work and discussion today, especially as it pertained to a difficult topic. As usual, the handout on Lens-Exhibit pairings is available under Handouts.

A reminder that you are welcome, even encouraged, to come speak to me concerning your midterm performance grade.  Depending on your situation, I would encourage you not to take your “projected final grade” as prophecy – over half your grade is undecided!  If you weren’t in class today, please remember to get your midterm and midterm performance grade from me on Wednesday’s class.

An addendum to the Lens Essay timeline: I will accept drafts through 10 am Wednesday, online.  PLEASE remember to bring a hard copy, as we will be doing peer review on Wednesday.

Finally, I realize I slightly misstated my office hours on Wednesday – I will be available from 2:30-4 in Pearl 410.