Hey! I am a very passionate student about marketing and film. I currently have a online job creating websites and it is very good for what I am learning and earning. I also draw a lot and i’ve grown tremendously since I started. I get to work on the computer (which I love doing) and I am learning and growing very fast (I can also work at home which is a HUGE plus). I also like playing competitive FPS (such as destiny). I take pride in my skills in Destiny because I am very good at it, and it helps me to grow as an artist and as a human being. That game has opened my mind and ways to handle sticky situations if they come about.

I personally believe I am a very fast learner and problem solver. I’ve been this way since I was little (mainly happening on fixing computers and restoring them to before the problem started). I am a very smart underachiever, and I procrastinate a lot, flaws in human capability that I can take care of but is still prevalent nonetheless. I am working towards getting my work and priorities done. My greatest weakness will probably be my procrastination problem. But just like any other person, I have my flaws: a double edged sword: Smart man but idiotic choices.