Lab 4

Lab Description:

In this lab a Inheritance hierarchy is created for the class “Mobile Device” where “Mobile Device” is the superclass and the subclass “SmartPhone” Inherits from the SuperClass “Mobile Device”. The classes named “Andriod” , “iPhone”, and “WindowsPhone” are subclasses that inherit from there superclass “SmartPhone”. New commands and or syntax that are introduced and applied in this lab are: extends, this , and @Override. The keyword extends allows inheritance from one class to another, @Override tells the program that this method overrides the superclass’s method, and the “this” commands allows the object to reference itself.

Code Source:

package lab4_3640;

public class MobileDevice {

private String deviceType = "Mobile Device";

//set & getter methods
public void setDeviceType() {

public String getDeviceType()
return this.deviceType;

package lab4_3640;
//extends used for inheritance
public class SmartPhone extends MobileDevice {

private String deviceType;

public SmartPhone(){
deviceType = "SmartPhone";

//getter method which is override to return the string
public String getDeviceType() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
deviceType = super.getDevice() +" -> " + deviceType;
return deviceType;

package lab4_3640;
//extends used for inheritance
public class Android extends SmartPhone {

private String deviceType;

public Android(){
deviceType = "Android";

//getter method which is override to return the string
public String getDeviceType() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
deviceType = super.getDevice() +" -> " + deviceType;
return deviceType;

package lab4_3640;
//extends used for inheritance
public class iPhone extends SmartPhone {

private String deviceType;

public iPhone(){
deviceType = "iPhone";

//getter method which is override to return the string
public String getDeviceType() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
deviceType = super.getDevice() +" -> " + deviceType;
return deviceType;

package lab4_3640;
//extends used for inheritance
public class WindowsPhone extends SmartPhone {

private String deviceType;

public WindowsPhone(){
deviceType = "WindowsPhone";

//getter method which is override to return the string
public String getDeviceType() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
deviceType = super.getDevice() +" -> " + deviceType;
return deviceType;

package lab4_3640;

public class MobileDeviceClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
MobileDevice myMobileDevice = new MobileDevice();
SmartPhone mySmartPhone = new SmartPhone();
iPhone myiPhone = new iPhone();
Android myAndroid = new Android();
WindowsPhone myWindowsPhone = new WindowsPhone();
