Category Archives: Internships

Internship 2

My role within the internship company is currently the role of a photographer, as I am assigned to attend certain events occurring City Tech campus and take photographs there. These photos must show actions and interactions occurring and must be taken clearly, once taken I must show these photos to my supervisors for approval to edit and later submit onto a shared Dropbox.
As for my first event to attend, it was a Student Leadership Workshop. Students in attendance are taught the importance of understanding well beings among one another and how to maintain certain situations that may occur related to college work in relation to their personal lives. This event had taught me many things, from the importance of getting approval for photos, to getting multiple photos from different angles or under certain lighting. This event may had been small with not a lot occurring, but even a small event is deemed important within Cuny and for its students to bring awareness for.
Finally, I had to reviews these photos and have them edited in Adobe Lightroom to either adjust colors or crop and re-align the image to fit a certain aspect ratio required.

Internship 1

The company I am working for during my internship session is a private company that specializes in creating and maintaining the social media, videos, and images related to the City Tech campus.
The company itself is located in a section of a larger building, and is in a office with a select number of employees and other interns in attendance.
The company keeps track of different events and occasions related to the college campus and covers said events to bring awareness to these different activities and show how students at Cuny can interact with others.

Internship and Etiquette

For many of those who are entering a career, there are some things to consider when applying or working that may affect you and your work environment. This may also apply for when entering or working at an internship.
The etiquette is important for varied reasons, from your presentation, manner of speech and interaction, and possibly how you react to certain circumstances. For examples of bad etiquette, one might say morally negative things about their workplace or colleagues if a service is not done properly, or how one may make others at their workplace feel uncomfortable with their attitude towards others.
The benefits of having good etiquette opens you to more opportunities to work with others, receiving more positive feedback, and others including yourself being more safe and positive when working. This also helps when having good etiquette during internships as it would allow you for more job opportunities and positive feedback from employers and supervisors.

Internship Work

Below are some examples of photos I have taken during my internship work session. Each photo was taken at separate events and meant to represent the many activities on the CUNY campus that involve students and faculty alike.

This event for example was for a Nutrition Workshop that teaches the awareness and importance of eating healthy and what to look for when buying or consuming different food.

This event was for a 50 years of Hiphop concert and interview. Students were invited the auditorium to listen to the different hip hop music by varied artists throughout the year and know the significance of the genre from different points of views and cultures.

For this cosplay event, students were to dress up as different fictional characters from different franchises to express their interests to other attendees and compete in a contest for the best voted outfit.

The event below is for a Domestic Violence Awareness panel. Attendees can learn what is domestic violence, how to prevent it, as well as knowing who can help them. Trained professionals within a non profit business were in charge of maintaining the small event.

Student Leadership workshops were also among the assigned events, as they bring students together to learn the importance of class participation, working with others in group projects, and how to maintain stress and time within class sessions or work.

Internship Progress October 24-26th

This week events have started to resume, however they are now smaller and more confined in smaller locations. From a Student leadership workshop discussing how to overcome stress and situation within groups to a Domestic Violence Awareness event, I photographed both events without much trouble.
While the locations of these events may be small with less activities than previous events I have attended, I made sure to capture at least 50 or more photos as well as stay in case of more attendees arriving or certain moments that may occur from interactions to change in positions. This week with my photography internship taught me that sometimes I have to work more with less I am given. Even if an event may be small, there are multiple different possibilities to be creative with photo taking.

Current Internship Progress October 17-19

As of this week from October 17th to the 19th, plans have slightly changed at my internship work place until further notice.
Events that I was scheduled to attend and photograph had been postponed until further notice due to current real life situations, however I was assigned different projects still related to adobe editing and can be used for use of City Tech. Through a combination of working in Illustrator, After Effects, and Media Encoder I now have to create animation intros that will be used for social media and presentations when videos and montage of photos for each event are shown.
What I have learned so far is that sometimes I have to adapt to different situations and changes in plans at times under these circumstances. I have also learned to familiar myself with After Effect’s different options to create unique intros while staying on topic with which topics each animated intro will be used for. These intros also have to feature the college’s logo and color scheme which is something I keep in mind of when working.
We will see if the college events will resume soon, but for now I will continue working with my current assigned work.