Week 1 Response

The terms of Design and Creativity have taken many different interpretations even in modern times, from different artworks made digitally or on a physical canvas. But two articles I have read shine a different light upon these concepts, and how art can be interpreted outside its own work field space.

When one thinks of Designers, many different ideas come to mind. Based on the readings, Designers can be seen through different forms aside from just creating artwork, but through different creations and techniques within everyday life. Almost everything has a natural beauty that can be admired similar to how one can admire an artwork, a person simply creating something through engineering could also apply to design.

The idea of design can also be seen not only as a method of creation, but also a social activity. How certain works can bring attention and awareness for those with similar interests within creativity field or admire the finished work presented. It can also be seen as a social activity due to how certain projects require more than one person’s input in order to complete to respond to different designs.