
Recent research and projects that effect, have effect or will effect care in the dental field

Research paper analyzing an unknown bacteria RESEARCH PAPER

Paper on a rare disease known as Perry Romberg Syndrome and demographic/relevancy in America and New York City     parry rombergdoc

Review of a promising research that could allow an OTC drug for heartburn be used for treating Tuberculosis and its importance in the dental field  tb drug news

Reflection on whether antibiotics used on livestocks affects our nutrition and health and if it assists in creating any correlation to drug resistant diseases  antibiotics in food

Essay on probiotics for our health and nutrition as well as advice on best method to aid in confusion for everyday consumer essay probiotics

Breakdown of allergy medications Anti-allergy Medications

Nasmyth’s Membrane and Dentigerous Cyst information Nasmyth’s Membrane and Dentigerous Cyst

Presentation and brochure on research findings linking the periodontopathic bacterium P. gingivitis with the reactivation of latent HIV  brochureFINAL   IMG_2970 

Compilation of basic information for dental hygienist to know from infection control, emergency care, disease and more basis of hygiene and  muscles and more