I identify myself as a strong and unique mind, with a love for the darker side of life and fashion. For as long as I can remember, I have been in love with Goth, Punk, and alternative styles in general. Growing up and dressing differently then the peers around me has caused me to take a lot of bullying, though it has only made my skin tougher. Being apart of a subculture thats surrounded by individuality has caused me to truly stay true to who I am, and what I believe in and stand for. I identify myself as someone who knows exactly who they are, and who’s fashion is an extension of their art and what they are about.

Through out my four years attending New York City College of Technology, I have learned a lot about the fashion industry and how it functions. My long term goals after graduating is to begin building my following on social media and to create my own fashion and beauty brand for those who love the darker side of fashion and beauty, just like myself. My short term goals are to begin working under companies to gain first hand experience in the fashion industry as well. All in all, after graduating, I have a long life and many goals ahead of me to look forward to.