Getting my first internship

My second week of this internship with Gesture went slow. I needed to create a post with my introduction to the team. So far, there had been no copywriting tasks assigned to my colleague and I under this internship program. I was definintely looking forward to starting soon as this point.

It took some time to get used to the website of Gesture Overall the website has a pretty compact yet dynamic layout. Information is plentiful as soon as the page has fully loaded and the viewer is almost instantly cast into a myriad of topics being featured. Personally, this works, as having a layout that harbors information in such a spontaneous manner elicits interest for the visitor. On the other hand, a slew of topics being thrown at a new viewer may be a bit overwhelming to handle all at once, especially for an unfamiliar visitor to the site. The topics introduced as a whole are interesting, though, this excuses the “confusing” layout aspect as anyone can easily click a post, read a bit and feel more at ease with the sites navigation.