Design ethics means that you must consider the context of the product created and this is very important, especially if you want to be successful in the respective industry. Confidentiality and professionalism are imperative.
This week, I again got more situated with my transitioning from a student to an intern in this agency. Gesture was in the process of switching platforms that harbored the bulk of communications between all of us in these different teams. The CEO decided it was most cost efficient and conducive to our communications to abandon slack and use Cliq instead. A few day ago he renounced Slack and sent us all emails on how we’d go about logging into our new Cliq accounts. Personally, Slack worked just fine but it could just be that it seems more familiar and this is all simply just a matter of needing some time to get used to Cliq.
In my opinion, the fact that I am constantly adapting the ethical rules of design in my routine is preparing me for future endeavors.