Author Archives: Prof. Paul King

4. Parks & Openspace Observations:

 Nature of OpenSpace (Hardscape/Landscaped Park/Waterfront)  Pattern of OpenSpace. (Figure/Ground and Ground /Figure)  Social and Historical Importance of OpenSpaces  Hierarchy of spaces from Private to Public.

Posted in Parks and Open Space | 2 Comments

5. Land Use / Zoning / Activity Observations:

 Land Use/Zoning  Note building heights and uses.  What edges and adjacencies do you observe?  Seasonal Activity Patterns  Daily Weekday/Weekend Activity Patterns  Commercial / Residential / Industrial  How has use and activity changed over … Continue reading

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6. Environmental / Sustainability Observations:

 Ecology  Flora and Fauna  Noise  Sun/Shadow  What considerations for creating a positive environment?

Posted in Environmental, Sustainable | 2 Comments

7. Hydrology / Topography / Materials Observations:

 Site Lines – (Views to and from)  Drainage  Material types (hard vs soft, absorbent vs impervious)

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8. People Related Observations:

 Who comes to the neighborhood & why?  Where do they gather & why?  How long do they stay in different locations?  What are the demographics?

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