General Notes
- This is individual work based on shared group research.
- This is you very first important individual grade of the semester.
- Each of you must create your own AutoCad files.
- The deadline is Sunday evening at midnight.
- There is no presentation of these sheets in class.
- We will move on to another topic on Monday.
Sheet Z-1 Location
- Maps Maps Maps
- Environs Map
- Zoning Map full and Zoning Map part plan
- Block & Lot & Address
- Site Plan for area calculations
- FAR Calculations
- Compare to proposed building
- How do you propose to get it built? Are you within the FAR? If not will you ask for a zoning bonus for a plaza or a variance, etc. Explain it here
Sheet Z-2 Zoning Envelope
- All drawings must have scale, proper line weights, dimensions, titles, labels
- Try to get your isometrics, plan and sections all at the same scale.
- Site Plan showing street names, wide narrow, etc.
- Isometrics (using flatshot) minimum of 2
- Zoning Envelope sections (2) keyed to site plan
- Summary table of all data used for zoning envelope. This should include the item, its value and the section of the code where you found it. Include the following: (street wall height, setback requirements for wide and narrow, sky exposure starting height, sky exposure ratio for wide and narrow, rear and side yard requirements)
Sheet Z-3 Zoning Text
- Format the sheet into 4 equal columns.
- Put the zoning text in numerical order starting on the upper left corner
- For each be certain to include the section # and the title
- Be sure to highlight the relevant parts of the text for your zoning group (c6-2)
- Be careful not to crop out information that explains the context of any section of the zoning
- If you do not need to use some information – for example if you conclude you have no side yard requirements you must still include this zoning text to show you do not require it
For any sheet if you need more than one page add sub sheet numbers but do not change the main title of each type of page. So if you need multiple zoning text sheets label them Z-3.1, Z-3.2 etc.
Remember that you need to explain your conclusions and you only need to focus on your final solution.
- No color on the drawings
- No sharing of your AutoCad files
- Yes you can share the PowerPoint and group research
- You will upload both a single PDF with multiple sheets and your AutoCad file(s) – both your main file and the titleblock file
- Make these drawings as professional as possible and meet the deadline.