Current Work 830 Class

  • Fix Team Post –
    • Use your names in the post name – add category
    • 1 slide as a jpg – opens in a new tab
  • Confirm – Sign and Post Team schedule on openlab
  • Create Team OpenLab Site
    • (one team member creates and the others join – make all members administrators of the site)
    • – email me the link
  • Create Individual Team Open Lab Site for Research Log – email me the link
  • Make Site Visit
    • Start Inventory and Analysis of the site.  Consider circulation, noise, zoning, building use and adjacency, climate (sun & wind), views to and from the site.  Create a 11 x 17 base sheet and share this with the team.  Write on this by hand and post these on the team openlab site before next class.
  • Begin individual Autocad drawings – each of you must come into class with a first attempt at drawing the building perimeter and and structural grid. Must be done before class.
  • Identify potential case study visits – tell me where you plan on going?  What building will you visit?  Will the team go together or separately?  You do not need to visit before next class – just identify the possible choices.
  • Begin Building Analysis – read the assignment sheet and begin to analyse your building. Link to Project Statement
  • How to communicate with me
    • email me at
    • post question on openlab
  • I recommend you download and purchase Snagit by techsmith
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