Updated Post # 1 Alvarez Family

Batista_Danny_Post#1 Update

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Danny Batista | Leave a comment

Post # 2 – Sketch Models – John Amaya

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Assignments, John M Amaya | Leave a comment


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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Danny Batista | Leave a comment

Sketch Models_Eugenio Rojas

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Eugenio J Rojas | Leave a comment

Sketch Models

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Assignments, Gracy M Dubon | Leave a comment

Catherine Brito

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Catherine Brito, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Sketch Models_Helalul Islam

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Helalul Islam | Leave a comment

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Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Jonathan Jimenez, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Post 1_The Marshalls

the marshalls

George Marshall

George Marshall is 6 foot tall, 30 year old man. He is an athletic and spontaneous man. He enjoys to work out and play almost every sport. He is a professional boxer, but even though with such a rigorous profession he enjoys playing the guitar during his spare time. He however loves spending time with his entire family when possible.

Karen Marshall

Karen Marshall is a 5’9 tall, 29 year old woman. She isn’t as obsessed with exercise as her husband but she enjoys practicing ballet during her free time. She is a fashion designer for Banana Republic. She is very strict and expects nothing less than the best from all her kids especially Jaylene.

Mike Marshall

He is the 2 year old son of Karen and George Marshall. He spend most of his day eating and sleeping and is pretty much living the easy life at the moment.

Leon Marshall

Leon Marshall is the second child of George and Karen Marshall. He enjoys to play soccer considering his dad has made him try to out almost every sport known to man. He loves drinking chocolate milk and even more while eating some Oreos.

Jaylene Marshall

She is the first child of George and Karen Marshall. She loves to draw and has barely any interest in sports. She would rather be alone than to be in a social area. She is a very dedicated student who has to constantly meet her mother’s high standards.

Community Service

George Marshall along with his wife love to help out their local church. They help clean the church and have donated money to it as well. They have also helped plant trees throughout the neighborhood as way of appreciating nature.

Jaylene helps out with the church occasionally, but usually spends her day in her room drawing.


George’s priorities are being able to supply for his family and being the best father he could be. This come even before working out and exercise. He wouldn’t mind spending a whole day at a park so long as he is with his family.

Karen’s priorities include making sure all her children are up to par with their education and making sure they learn proper manners and etiquette.

Jaylene’s priorities include drawing and to never disappoint her mother.

Leon’s priority is to go to daycare to learn and have fun.


George’s short term goal is to win his upcoming championship match. His long term goal is the be the world best boxer and to be a great role model for his kids.

Karen’s short term goal is to learn even more about fashion and her long term goal is to one day start her own fashion industry.

Jaylene’s long term goal is to learn and improve her artistic skills and she has not yet decided on what she wants to do for the future.


Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Joshua D Mendieta | Leave a comment

Post # 1 – The Evans Family – John Amaya

John Amaya 13 08 27 Design V

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Assignments, John M Amaya | Leave a comment