Category Archives: Students

Ergonomic Study

Ergonomic Study 1 Ergonomic Study 2 Ergonomic Study 3

Posted in 02.2 Materials Study #2, Eugenio J Rojas | Leave a comment

Updated Post # 1 Alvarez Family

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Danny Batista | Leave a comment

Post # 2 – Sketch Models – John Amaya

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Assignments, John M Amaya | Leave a comment


Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Danny Batista | Leave a comment

Sketch Models_Eugenio Rojas

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Eugenio J Rojas | Leave a comment

Sketch Models


Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Assignments, Gracy M Dubon | Leave a comment

Catherine Brito

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Catherine Brito, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Sketch Models_Helalul Islam

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Helalul Islam | Leave a comment

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Jonathan Jimenez, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Post 1_The Marshalls

George Marshall George Marshall is 6 foot tall, 30 year old man. He is an athletic and spontaneous man. He enjoys to work out and play almost every sport. He is a professional boxer, but even though with such a … Continue reading

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Joshua D Mendieta | Leave a comment