Category Archives: Prof.Paul.King


Posted in 02.2 Materials Study #2, Catherine Brito, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment


Posted in 02.1 Materials Study #1, Catherine Brito, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Sandy storm

Posted in 03.1 Storm Portrait, Assignments, Jonathan Jimenez, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Materials and Ergonomics

Materials and Ergonomics_ARCH3510_Prof King

Posted in 02.1 Materials Study #1, Gracy M Dubon, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Brenes Family Sandy Story

Brenes Family Sandy Story Portrait

Posted in 03.1 Storm Portrait, Gracy M Dubon, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment


Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, 01.2 Sketch Models, 02.1 Materials Study #1, 02.2 Materials Study #2, Pak Hui, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Catherine Brito

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Catherine Brito, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Posted in 01.2 Sketch Models, Jonathan Jimenez, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

Jonathan Jimenez

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Assignments, Jonathan Jimenez, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment

King Family Post_1 By Prof. King

Paste my word description- answers to the questions.

Posted in 01.1 Family Portrait, Assignments, Faculty, Prof.Paul.King | Leave a comment