The Greysons Experience

“last night was terrific, it was a full house” said the drama coach. “Our play on a street car named desire was a hit” said one actor. “Hey did you hear about the super storm that’s coming tomorrow” said one stage hand. Those were the first things Tim heard as he enter theater’s backstage, while getting ready for rehearsal. It was 9 am on a Sunday mourning and besides having a successful Saturday night, the talk of the day was the approaching super storm. Everybody was talking about it, whether they should evacuate or not. Most said stay, including Tim who evacuated last year for the hurricane that was downgraded to a typical storm. This year he decided to take his chance’s with storm. After rehearsal was over everybody said there good-byes and and farewell’s under the big oak tree in front, “take care”, “get home safe”, “hope this storm isn’t to bad”, are some exchanges between friends. On the drive home the radio was full of hurricane warnings, Tim didn’t flinch though he remembers the hassle he went through last time. His wive Barbara texted  him saying “maybe we should leave, to my uncle house, you know the doomsday nut, he has a bomb shelter, they said the hurricane is gonna be bad”.”They always say its gonna be bad” replied Tim. “We should stay home, we’ll be fine. I’ll get some water, provisions and we still have some equipment from last year we could use”.”What about the kids texted Barbara, Tim replied “what about em”. A few minutes later Tim received a phone call from his wive, first thing Tim said was “you know I’am driving right now, right”.”I’am not taking chances with the kids, taking them there now” said Barbara. “Fine, be safe” replied Tim and hung up.

Tim went to the local market got everything he thinks he needs except he only got one liter of Poland Spring water, Since everyone stock up at the store. Tim waited on line for about 25 minutes before he reached the cashier, The drive back home was also long because of the traffic. When Tim finally arrived home he was greeted by a worried wife with a very stress face, he sat her down and made her a cup of coffee, “I can’t stop thinking about the kids and what about the house, It’s not storm ready” said Barbara. “Look whatever happens, we’ll stile have each other” said Tim in a comforting voice, “Well I’am gonna go back up all the work files in my office, take my mind off something” said Babara. The hurricane arrived later that night, and couple couldn’t get any sleep, They would interrupted by the sound debris hitting the windows, strong winds thrashing on the house, and activated car alarms. “I don’t feel safe” said Barbara “me too, lets go down to the basement” replied Tim. They took there mattress to the basement and eventually fell asleep, Tim would periodically wake up from the sounds outside, one to time he wake up to see his wife sitting in an upright position next to him talking to there kids.

It was the break of dawn, Tim was awakened by his wife, “the phone doesn’t work, I cant call the kids, I think the power lines are out”, she said without pause. “Calm down, we’ll drive to your uncle right now, let me just check the house” said Tim. Tim went upstairs to see that the power was out, no light switches would turn on, The water was still running but there was no telling what happened to the pipe line. After Tim surveyed the house, everything seem fined except some the kitchen windows were shattered he concluded. The Greysons were lucky to own a house on a hill, so they can get they’re car out without being knee high in flood water. At 8 am on a Monday mourning the couple started driving to there kids, After seeing some the damages to the community, they thought themselves blessed, being safe and unharmed with a house to comeback too. Tim noticed his gym was flooded and also his daughter’s grade school, as he drove further he saw the entrance to his theater blocked by branches of the Oak tree in front, the tree itself had one side of its trunk torn. They eventually got to their kids after an hour and a half of driving around debris and floods. They were relieved to see that all three of their kids are safe, and the house has a working phone line. After calling their relatives to tell them they’re safe, the Greysons had breakfast together again as a family.

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