
Graduates Mentoring Students: Walt Disney World College Program

The post linked here form the Disney Internship Course Site shows a significant development in our student’s professional careers. What you will read is a journal entry made by a current internship student. Her journal reflects on a recent recognition she received at work, which is something to be proud of. What makes the reflection more significant is the person recognizing her efforts is a graduate of City Tech who participated in the same internship program, then participated in a management training program with Disney and was hired as a full time manager! The progression of our students is simply amazing!

Honors Scholars Etiquette Resources

Here is a light-hearted approach to interacting with those around us in this great City of ours. Published in the New Yorker, The Urban Etiquette Handbook can be used as a conversation starter between some of your more casual friends.

In this article by Bilton, published in the New York Times, etiquette in our connected world is explored. When is it appropriate to reach for your “phone” (ie passage way to the world)? Do you dare access the outside world while with your friends, co-workers, teachers, supervisors?