Professional Nursing Pracitice (NUR 4130)


PhilosophyPro Nursing Term PaperKezina Garnett’s Resume (2018)BLS CPR License

My name is Kezina Garnett and I am Registered Nurse. I currently work as a school nurse at Teunis G Bergen. I work with elementary school children between the ages of 4 to 10 years old. I enjoy working as a nurse because I love the ability to make a difference in a difficult circumstance. I am able to receive a sense of satisfaction when I able to know that I am able to accomplish all that is asked of me. Although, I gain great insight through working with children of all ages I seek to progress into the hospital setting to do labor and delivery or the operating room. Then I want further my education by returning to school to obtain my master’s degree in becoming a nurse practitioner. I am uncertain of what specialty I want to partake in, but I seek to find out through the experiences that I able to build.

The key strengths that I demonstrate in the field of nursing are effective communication, teamwork, reliability, mentoring, critical thinking, and diligence. I am able to demonstrate effective communication through written and verbal communication skills through decision-making and active listening. My patients are educated through enforcing the teach-back method as well as through the encouragement of promoting follow-up question to seek understanding. If the information is misunderstood I ensure that I intervened to correct the patient’s action, so they can learn from mistakes made. I am able to work well with others because I am to collaborate with my team members through respecting others’ perspectives, listening to what is being communicated and being a motivator to promote greater performance. In my field, I choose to report to work in timely fashion and fulfilling assignments required of me in the designated time frame to promote successful outcomes. Overall, I am a diligent worker because I usually go above and beyond through working hard and being dedicated to what is needed to be done.