My Philosophy of Nursing

altruism-1To me nursing equates caring. Nurses do because they care, and not because they are required to or because they gain something from their task. It is closely related to the concept of altruism where you expect nothing in return for your services. Nurses understand that nursing is a career, and that there is a financial incentive, but it is never the focal point of their work ethic. Doing the right thing always precedes doing the easy thing or doing the thing that will pay you more. Nursing is about compassion, empathy, smile and sometimes silence. It is never about rudeness, anger, greed or complacency.

Nurses will never hurt their patients. Nurses will always do the right thing. Nurses will always keep the patient in the center of their care-plan. Nurses are the patient’s advocate and confidant. Nursing can be tiring, but it is always rewarding, and like the flower that breathes life from the morning dew and rays of the sun, nurses will revive themselves with coffee and ample sleep to provide awesome care another day.