Author Archives: Kehinde Adesina

lab 0

Lab Description:

This is an example how your lab reports should look like. The first item is a lab description in your own words of what the lab is about and how you did it, followed by the source code, and finally the screenshots. To correctly display the source code, make sure that when create the page, you switch to the HTML view and surround the code with the tags <pre> </pre>. The <pre> HTML tag is used for pre-formatted text, so it will respect indentation, spaces, tabs, etc. If you donā€™t use it the code will be hard to read. Using the <pre> HTML tag (or equivalent formatting) is mandatory.


title = 'this is a string'
index = 0
result = ''
while index < len(title):
    letter = title[index]
    result = result + letter 
    index = index + 1
print (result)

More Code!!!

def backward(x):
    while index >= length:
        letter = x[index]
        print (letter)
        index = index -1
print (backward("dg4346534"))


This section contains screenshots showing your program running. First save the image, then upload it, and then insert it into the post. Below you will see an example:

python screenshot


This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The ePortfolio is both a Learning Blog and an Academic Career Portfolio. Use the Learning Blog to document your learning experiences and class assignments each semester.Ā As time goes by, add content to the Academics and Career sections to show your department, graduate institutions, orĀ future employers how well prepared you are for your chosen career.

NOTE: Remember to add appropriateĀ CategoriesĀ and TagsĀ to your posts. This will help your professors and other visitors find the content they are looking for. The Categories “Coursework” and “Field Trips” and the Tags “OpenLab” and “City Tech” have already been applied to this post. Feel free to make changes!