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Ethics Assignment – Entry 2

2a. Throughout my college career I don’t think I’ve uses another designers work for my own. Not personally of course. If it was for a class assignment, then I still don’t think I’ve taken someones work and even if I did, I cited my work and gave the designer the credit. I would use other designers work as inspiration for my own. and I would credit them to explain how I gained my inspiration from. For any photography or product photos, I would google royalty free stock photos for my own project. Thats how we were taught for in the future we would need something specific for our product design. As examples.

2b. Reading the article about the Fairey v AP case, giving my opinion to the case: Fairey lied about the original photo that he used as well as destroyed documents that were relevant to the case so it got a bit clouded during the trial. I think that his penalty was necessary giving the fact that he tampered with evidence and lied about the photo. It was settled when they didn’t asked him wether or not he used AP photo under copyright law. Both parties agreed to share the image usage and any merchandise the design would be used in the future. I think that although he lied about using the image, he still didn’t get any money off of the design. I feel like the outcome would have been different if he hasn’t lied about using the image from AP or tampered with evidence in a not so fair way. The AP would have not agreed to share the photo usage with him, also more jail time for him and a greater penalty.

Ethics in Graphic Design:

Shepard Fairey Case:

Ethics Assignment – Entry 1

1a. These journals that I had a chance to read were from the AIGA Design and Business Ethics Handbook. This handbook help any artist or designer in how to work in a professional way and follow these ethical issues whether it’s for the client or themselves. The sections I got to read were The Use Of Photography, How To Get The Most Out of The Process, and The Use of Illustration. All these reading had the same thing in common, crediting the designers, how to obtain copyright license from a range of photographers, illustrators, graphic designers. Reading these got me a great knowledge on following these ethic rules and to credit work for my future career as a graphic designer and game designer. For my internship my supervisor shared a Google Drive which gave me a great access to video, photos, audio and logo design I could use for their products. I can’t use any of these disclosed information in any of my personal work. For that, I would have to use royalty free work.

1b. In the beginning of my Internship journey, I was given a non-disclosure contract that stated I can’t share any projects or work that is from the production if it’s strictly for them. If I would want to do so for any future job opportunities I’m applying, I would need a grant of permission or to give credit from the production company. With journal entries I would need to take extra careful steps in sharing anything that won’t share too much of my projects.

AIGA Design Business and Ethics:

Quote Design 2

This is the second quote i chose. liked it because i read a book called “Blasphemy.” The concept of me being able to say ok “1 2 3 4” and that pattern going on forever is not the same thing as infinity. Infinity is supposed to be a concept of endlessness.

Quote Design 1

for my assignment i had to choose two quotes and design it what it means. I chose this quote because of how i could relate to it in so much depth. Getting in some type of trouble to make change and make a difference.

Ground Level


The objective of this lesson is to draw a ground level with boxes to help us place objects in a room much more easier. I found this lesson to be useful because of the placement I see when there’s an object in a room and I want too see how many boxes the object takes up.

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