is creating worlds


mini research project: Jaleel Vazquez


1- Eyebeam art and technology center was created as an non-profit center dedicated to distributing new technology and arts to the mainstream audience. It also provides funding for fellowships and residencies for artists and technologists. It’s offices and labs center where some of the members live in is located in new york city in Chelsea, where the Open Hardware Summit takes place from time to time.

2- The Open Hardware Summit is a conference that occurs annually since 2010 at the Eyebeam art and technology center in chelsea. It is the first ever open hardware conference in the world. In it, many diverse speakers attend the summit to discuss about the growing open source movement, and also the variety of topics in the present day situations.

The Maker faire is a technology fair where designers and artists go to showcase their creations. It is located in the hall of science in Queens, NY. it showcases hundreds of technological advances and family safe technology, as well as creative ideas and art.

3- Intellectual property is used by lawyers all the time during a copyright lawsuit. it usually means something a person owns or had created. yet the term today  is a controversial topic, especially during the struggle between users and companies about proposed internet regulation laws. for example, you post a video onto with you and a friend driving down the road talking about what you are about to do in the video. And in the video, a song was playing on the radio while you are driving. Because of that song, your video is taken down and you might have to face copyright charges. Even if the song appeared out of pure coincidence, you are told you was stealing someone’s intellectual property. However, when you’re the creator of intellectual property, by banning copyright laws, there is no way you can secure your creation from other people stealing it and claiming it as their own creation, so there is really no way  for both sides to win.

4-Designers could advertise their creations if they have enough on their budget, but most independent designers announce it on blogs, social networks, and websites like for funding and publishing/producing their products for the public.

5-Many users modify/develop products because there isn’t any products that satisfy a specific need. for example, a person wants a product that does_____ but there isn’t a product that does ____ (or there is one, but it just doesn’t do it right). so the person either creates a new product designed specifically for _____ing, or improve an existing product to it exactly the way that person needs it.

6- My role in this open source tech landscape is a consumer/would-be-developer for this landscape. I buy the products of the developers and designers, and learn from their products flaws and perfections so I could one day I could improve on their products or create one of my own for the community.

probable advancements in gaming

gaming has always been the same: use controllers, press A to jump, press B to do whatever, blah blah blah. Until recently, gaming began moving towards ACTUAL SIMULATION, unlike the rest of the hardcore gaming. Motion controls have been popular for the last 3 years, for example the wii, kinect, and the eye toy.

(remember this? imagine this 9001 times greater)

but the problem from these motion control systems or accessories is that they suck at motion gestures or recognizing certain movements or hand poses, not to mention the games completely suck. so what if there was good hardcore game, and in order to simulate its environments and atmosphere did they improve  the gestures of the kinect? well that happen last year, when the critically acclaimed game battlefield 3 came out on october 25th, 2011. a group of people actually took a kinect, added paintballs and code to shoot them at the player when he gets hit in game, a dome, a track in a circle to simulate walking, an app on a iphone to simulate a gun, and a movable screen to simulate turning and direction. this in result made the latest modern warfare shooter into a fully functoning gunfight simulator.

(imagine playing halo or skyrim in this.)

yet there are still flaws. sure it is the most advanced simulator someone had ever made, but nobody is going to have the resources or the space to have something like this in their home. so what i am proposing is to create a better simulator, one that someone can fit in a persons house.  imagine if a gaming system has a mat that you can walk on, but still stay in the same place. and if you trip or fall, the character your playing ass trips and falls. imagine having a projector going around your room and moving the screen to our point of view, all because the  new and improved kinect see this. what if, no matter what game you play, you can feel complete immersion, a sword strike is an actual sword strike, a push is a push not a double punch, and the ball go about the same speed you seem to be throwing, not in a set motion. this what we are proposing, that instead of crappy motion control games, we have a simulator, like the one the group had done, in our own living room.

link to the ultimate bf3 simulator :

In home virtual reality simulator: REVISED

last week i posted a proposal for virtual reality simulator where it could be used as an affordable in home console for the mainstream community. like i had said last week, a group of people actually took a kinect, added paintballs and code to shoot them at the player when he gets hit in game, a dome, a treadmill in a circle to simulate movement, an app on a iphone to simulate a gun, and a movable screen to simulate turning and direction. this in result made the latest modern warfare shooter into a fully functoning gunfight simulator.

yet it costed $650,000 in order to put it together, not to mention that there is literally no space for a system like that in a home. my re factors have been mostly question like how are you going to walk, what are the controllers, how to create create a dome effect, and how is the player is going to interact with the game.

well I went back to the drawing board and found the answers to all those questions.

for the dome effect, i have been sugessted to use 3d glasses instead of projectors, and for that i decided to use the new headset called oculus rift. it is a headset that gives the user a

wide angle and field of view in order to immerse the player in a sense of artificial reality. it is currently in development but is backed up by many gaming companies and has games like doom3 bfg edition and hawken that is already compaitble for it.

for movement, i saw a video called cybercarpet, a small omnidirectional treadmill. this is part of a project called the cyberwalk project. this carpet can be used to simulate movement and would not take up space in order to do so. if it can come in a slightly larger size, like a 3-4 feet radius, then we would have our movement

for controllers, I think similar controls like the PlayStation move’s controls in order to simulate shooting in fps, or sword swinging in a rpg. I also want to add a vest that rumbles in specific places a player gets hit in the game, in order to add more of the sense of being immersed in the game’s world.

for motion sensors, 4 infrared cameras surrounding the player, with the program leap motion to capture and record a person’s movement and actions. with this they would be able to crouch, jump, run, and etc. and still be able to be covered from all 4 angles.

the links to the main tools and software below

leap motion

oculus virtual reality simulator 

bf3 simulator  

tic tac toe

tic tac toe strategy mode

  1.   the board is a 3×4 grid.
  2.  x goes first.
  3. in order to win, a player must have 4 across or 3 down
  4. diagonal plays do not count.

tic tac toe impossible mode

  1. 3×3 mode
  2. x goes first
  3. only way to win is 3 across or 3 down
  4. no diagonals or edges count at all, only the center

tic tac toe connect 4

  1. 6×6 grid
  2. x goes first
  3. 4 in a row wins
  4. players must start from bottom
  5. players have to stack there x’s and o’s on top of each other until the top of the grid.

only way to put a mark on a higher row if there is another mark under it.


  1. 1×1 grid
  2. players go at the same time
  3. a timer is used
  4. who ever marks the square first wins

tic tac toe battle

  1. 10×10 grid
  2. diagonals eliminate a mark
  3. 4 across or down to win
  4. once a mark is erased, the player who marked it cannot put it back in.