is creating worlds

probable advancements in gaming

gaming has always been the same: use controllers, press A to jump, press B to do whatever, blah blah blah. Until recently, gaming began moving towards ACTUAL SIMULATION, unlike the rest of the hardcore gaming. Motion controls have been popular for the last 3 years, for example the wii, kinect, and the eye toy.

(remember this? imagine this 9001 times greater)

but the problem from these motion control systems or accessories is that they suck at motion gestures or recognizing certain movements or hand poses, not to mention the games completely suck. so what if there was good hardcore game, and in order to simulate its environments and atmosphere did they improve  the gestures of the kinect? well that happen last year, when the critically acclaimed game battlefield 3 came out on october 25th, 2011. a group of people actually took a kinect, added paintballs and code to shoot them at the player when he gets hit in game, a dome, a track in a circle to simulate walking, an app on a iphone to simulate a gun, and a movable screen to simulate turning and direction. this in result made the latest modern warfare shooter into a fully functoning gunfight simulator.

(imagine playing halo or skyrim in this.)

yet there are still flaws. sure it is the most advanced simulator someone had ever made, but nobody is going to have the resources or the space to have something like this in their home. so what i am proposing is to create a better simulator, one that someone can fit in a persons house.  imagine if a gaming system has a mat that you can walk on, but still stay in the same place. and if you trip or fall, the character your playing ass trips and falls. imagine having a projector going around your room and moving the screen to our point of view, all because the  new and improved kinect see this. what if, no matter what game you play, you can feel complete immersion, a sword strike is an actual sword strike, a push is a push not a double punch, and the ball go about the same speed you seem to be throwing, not in a set motion. this what we are proposing, that instead of crappy motion control games, we have a simulator, like the one the group had done, in our own living room.

link to the ultimate bf3 simulator :

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