In home virtual reality simulator: REVISED
last week i posted a proposal for virtual reality simulator where it could be used as an affordable in home console for the mainstream community. like i had said last week, a group of people actually took a kinect, added paintballs and code to shoot them at the player when he gets hit in game, a dome, a treadmill in a circle to simulate movement, an app on a iphone to simulate a gun, and a movable screen to simulate turning and direction. this in result made the latest modern warfare shooter into a fully functoning gunfight simulator.
yet it costed $650,000 in order to put it together, not to mention that there is literally no space for a system like that in a home. my re factors have been mostly question like how are you going to walk, what are the controllers, how to create create a dome effect, and how is the player is going to interact with the game.
well I went back to the drawing board and found the answers to all those questions.
for the dome effect, i have been sugessted to use 3d glasses instead of projectors, and for that i decided to use the new headset called oculus rift. it is a headset that gives the user a
wide angle and field of view in order to immerse the player in a sense of artificial reality. it is currently in development but is backed up by many gaming companies and has games like doom3 bfg edition and hawken that is already compaitble for it.
for movement, i saw a video called cybercarpet, a small omnidirectional treadmill. this is part of a project called the cyberwalk project. this carpet can be used to simulate movement and would not take up space in order to do so. if it can come in a slightly larger size, like a 3-4 feet radius, then we would have our movement
for controllers, I think similar controls like the PlayStation move’s controls in order to simulate shooting in fps, or sword swinging in a rpg. I also want to add a vest that rumbles in specific places a player gets hit in the game, in order to add more of the sense of being immersed in the game’s world.
for motion sensors, 4 infrared cameras surrounding the player, with the program leap motion to capture and record a person’s movement and actions. with this they would be able to crouch, jump, run, and etc. and still be able to be covered from all 4 angles.
the links to the main tools and software below