Created websites during my career.
Contracted Websites:
Caress Crystals LLC
In-School Projects:
The Gourmands Extension to TASTY.CO
This group project was to create an Integrated Web Page Design. The name of my group was called “The Gourmands.” We were assigned to create new pages for an existing website. We followed the theme of while adding new menu pages for specific foods. We also added a music feature as well as direct communication chat with users of our site to our team. Wix.
City Tech Movie Club
This group project’s focus was to create an Integrated Web Page that focused on a product specifically for City Tech Students. Our team created a school club where recent films, classic films, deals on tickets and snacks were the focus of the site. The site includes blog posts, articles, and podcast from each team member. The site allows for interactive communication in which members can sign up, sign in, and chat with admins. A social media campaign launch was also created to inform students of the new website. Wix.
The Chocolate Boutique
This group assignment was to create a website promoting an item to be sold. My group decided to create an online chocolate store. WordPress.
Proper Tooth Brushing Techniques
This group assignment was to create an informative website that is usable and functional. WordPress.