Author Archives: Jonathan Valencia

1) Student Survey

Jonathan Valencia
February 2, 2016
Eng. 1121 – D465
Assignment: Student Survey

My name is Jonathan Valencia am shy and quite kid who doesn’t like to talk much. I am currently majoring in Civil Engineering. It’s my second year 4th semester. My favorite food is gyros and I listen to all types of genres of music. Am from Queens, New York but my parents are from Mexico. I went to Long Island City High School. I was placed in Advance English classes during my sophomore year in high school till senior year. My experience with reading and writing those days were terrible and miserable to the point I wouldn’t show up no more to class. I prefer reading instead of writing because nobody bothers me and am at peace. Goals for this semester would be improving my writing skills because I personally think my writing is terrible and sometimes doesn’t make sense.