Author Archives: Jonathan Valencia

11) Partner’s new Audience for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 7, 2016

ENG 1121 – D465

Assignment: Partner’s new Audience for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay


Jonathan Valencia born and raised in the slums of Queens, New York. Growing up he always knew his parents where hard working people. Daichi his older brother was the one responsible for looking out for him. Jonathan was never the perfect student to other people’s eye’s he was seen as dangerous and violent except for his friends who he grew up with that knew and understood him. At a very young age he started to work because he felt the need to mature and adapt to society much more as he wasn’t a kid but considered a young adult by the elders in his neighborhood. Surrounded by white walls of his room he was a quite and peaceful kid who respected the ones around him. When nightfall came he was considered the black dog or the fallen angel due to him always wearing all black and causing havoc in the streets. His passion cycling riding his bike back and fourth and competing in illegal bike races for prize money.   Working as a bike messenger along with some of his friends Jonathan was reckless but always safe. School for him wasn’t the place for him but rather a pastime for he couldn’t stay at home. Most students would give him a nasty glare due to the fact he was placed in advance placement classes and would do the minimal work to achieve a passing grade. College wasn’t a choice when asked until a girl who was kind to him due to the fact he help her avoid problems with other student that were disrespectful to either her or her friends told him “ what due you plan to do in your future if you don’t graduate high school or don’t even make an attempt to get some sort of degree” which triggered a spark and improved himself to get accepted either a 4 year college to major in civil Engineering.

10) Rhetorical Situation for Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

March 1, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Rhetorical Situation for your partner’s essay


Partner: Farjana Shati


  1. Audience – When reading her essays the people that are most likely to be reading are people of all ages but mostly students. A group that you can say is being targeted by reading the essays would be encounter the same problem as she did which was getting out of her comfort zone.
  2. Genre – Personal Narrative essay or autobiography
  3. Purpose – To describe or tell her audience her experience of how getting out of her comfort zone was a difficult challenge of her life.
  4. Media/Design – Way of communicating is through her essay and words.
  5. Stance – In my opinion another way she can approach her essay would be like giving advice to student who also suffer a problem like hers of getting there comfort zone or bringing up ways or obstacles she went through for her getting out of her comfort zone.

8) 2nd Draft of Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

March 13, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

2nd draft of Personal Narrative essay


The Golden Name


“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is,” Oscar Wilde said. Being discriminated against, isolated, and hated for doing something good for yourself is toughest for a young person to take in by himself alone. There will always be that one person who supports you for who you are and be looks out for you. If the people who surround you forget what your name is and give you a terrible name to remember you by, it leaves a stain of dark memories. For some, money is an addiction and they get consumed by it, but for me it was joy and hard work. Golden Boy, the name that stands above the rest, would involve my older brother, money, and hate I received by the people around me.

Some may wonder how the name, Golden Boy got my older brother Diachi involved. Actually the name is related to both of us, and at some point in time during our childhood, it was given to us. Diachi told me there would be a time I would be given a specific name that I would come to hate. It was Golden Boy. Diachi and I have a good relationship that started even before and endured after the name was given to me. The reason golden boy is related to Diachi and I was because of us both dealing with money. Diachi taught me an important thing that always kept him happy during the hard times he encounter in life. He told me “they will always try to find away to bring you down but at the end of the day just kept smiling at them.” This would cause some of the people who were around me most to show me no respect, as they saw me following in my older brother’s footsteps of making money easily rather than working for it.

Golden Boy often confuses some as they wonder if I was always dealing with gold, but in my case I was dealing with money. Money for me was an important resource for I when I was young, and up until this point it still is, but not as much. Money isn’t easy to acquire for someone who is young, but for me it was, as Diachi taught me how to resell. At a young age he taught me how to resell and showed me ways then how to my own money by simply buying items such as clothes, sneakers and reselling with them customers who were willing to pay more than what the product actually costs in stores. I will always be thinking of more ways to make a bigger income, so I would be leaving or not even showing up to school just to buy and sell more, but it was always for good reasons, family, and money.

The awful name Golden Boy always involves the people who hate and disrespect me for a long time. Once named, I was always treated differently by family, neighbors, and classmates due to the fact I achieved things they wish they had at a very young age. I will be look down at due to some saying the things I do are illegal and I should be put away forever. Rumors were said behind my back, and it was sometimes depressing hearing them but it didn’t stop me from making more money. Discriminated, insulted, and excluded from parties and activities sometimes made me upset but at the end of every day I was smiling just like my brother told me.

Golden Boy the name that stands above the rest involved my older brother, money, and hate I would receive by the people around me. Bringing my older brother Daiachi closer through the hardship we endure during our childhood. Not worrying about food, clothes, bills, etc. but rather taking life easier. Ignoring what other said or thinks about you but rather smiling for a bright future. A world where people are not discriminated but highly cared and respected for their hard work and dedication.

7) 1st draft of personal narrative essay

JIMG_4586-2IMG_4587-2FullSizeRender-2onathan Valencia

February 24, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: 1st draft of Personal Narrative essay

The Given Name

“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.” – Oscar Wilde Being discriminated, isolated, and hated for doing something good for yourself is the toughest for a young person to take in by himself alone. There will always be that one person who would support for who you are and be looking out for you. The people that surrounded you forgetting what your name was and given a terrible name to remember you by leaves a stain of dark memories. For some money is an addiction and they’re the ones getting consumed by it but for me it was joy and hard work. Golden boy the name that stands above the rest would involve my older brother, money, and hate I would receive by the people around me.

As some may wonder how did the name golden boy got my older brother Diachi involve is that the name is related to both of us during at some point time during our childhood it was given to us. Diachi told me there would be a time I will be given a specific name that I will come to hate it was golden boy. Diachi and me have a good relationship even before and after the name given to me. The reason golden boy is related Diachi and me were because it had us both dealing with money. Diachi taught me a important thing that always kept him happy during the hard time he encounter in life he told me “they will always try to find away to bring you down but at the end of the day just kept smiling at them”. This would some people who would be around me most the time come to show me no respect as they saw me following my older brother footsteps of making money easily than rather working for it.

The name golden boy often confuses some as they wonder if I was always dealing with gold but in my case I was dealing with money. Money for me was an important resource for I when I was young and till this point it still is but not that much. Money isn’t easy to achieve for someone who is young but for me it was as Diachi taught me how to resell. At a young age he taught me how to resell and showed me ways how I can make my own money by simply buying clothes, sneakers, etc. and reselling with to customers who were willing to pay more than what the product actually cost. I will always be thinking more ways how to make a bigger income so I would be leaving or not even sowing up to school just to buy more and sell more but I was always for good reasons money.

Golden boy the awful name will always involve the people who hate and disrespect me for along time. Once named I will always be treated differently by family, neighbors, and classmates due to the fact I will achieve things they wish they had at a very young age. I will often be looked downed at due to some saying the things I was doing was illegal and I should be put away forever. Hearing rumors about me was sometimes depressing as they were said behind my back and didn’t know who it was sad right but it didn’t stop me to keep making money. Discriminated, insulted, and excluded from parties and activities sometimes made me upset but at the end of every single day I was smiling like my brother told me.

Golden boy the name that stands above the rest would involve my older brother, money, and hate I would receive by the people around me. Bringing my older brother Daiachi closer through the hardship we endure during our childhood. Not worrying about food, clothes, bills, etc. but rather taking life easier. Ignoring what other said or thinks about you but rather smiling for a bright future. A world where people are not discriminated but highly cared and respected for their hard w

6) Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 21, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: 1st paragraph of personal narrative essay



“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.” – Oscar Wilde Being discriminated, isolated, and hated for doing something good for yourself is the toughest for a young person to take in by himself alone. There will always be that one person who would support for who you are and be looking out for you. The people that surrounded you forgetting what your name was and given a terrible name to remember you by leaves a stain of dark memories. For some money is an addiction and they’re the ones getting consumed by it but for me it was joy and hard work. Golden boy the name that stands above the rest would involve my older brother, money, and hate I would receive by the people around me.

5) Outline of Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 16, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Outline of Personal Narrative Essay



  1. Intro

Opener – “Haters don’t really hate you. In fact. They hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.” – anonymous


Thesis – Through out my life I was given good and bad names but the one that stands above the rest was the Golden Boy this name would involve my older brother, money and the hate I would receive from family members, the neighborhood, and students from high school.


  1. Body


  1. Older brother Diachi

–     How the name golden boy relates to us.

  • What he taught me at a young age.
  • Why the people never showed respect.


  1. Money
  • How I achieve my money
  • Resell
  • Profits over school
  • How my brother taught me how to make money


  1. Hated and Disrespected
  • Treated differently
  • Insults and look downed upon
  • Rumors
  • Not invited to family parties or included in school activities



  • Conclusion

Summary of essay if I have over come these problems or how I dealt with them

4) Summary of “It’s Hard Enough Being Me” essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 16, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Summary of “It’s Hard Enough Being Me” essay


In the essay “It’s Hard Enough Being Me” Anna Lisa Raya describes her experiences as a Latina American in New York while attending Columbia University. Daughter of a Mexican American father and Puerto Rican mother born and raised in El Soreno, Los Angeles. While attending college Anna Lisa Raya felt like she was a low class or minor due to the fact latinos where always discriminated. She was never the perfect latina due to the fact she couldn’t dance, didn’t resemble a latina, couldn’t speak Spanish, and would often be mistaken as white or Asian. Anna Lisa Raya didn’t know who she really was lost but wanted to know her true identity. Until she heard a Nuyorican writers how New York influenced their writing she then though not to worry about what others say but be yourself.

3) Summary of “Ripe Figs” essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 9, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Summary “Ripe Figs” by Kate Chopin


In the essay entitled “Ripe Figs” by Kate Chopin the main theme addressed is patients. This passage written by Chopin’s tells us the relationship between two types of age groups the young and the old. Time is also included in the passage somewhat major in the passage as they are relating two types of age groups as one doesn’t think there is enough time in the world rather impatient while the other is peaceful and doesn’t mind to wait. In my opinion other theme that kind of relates to Kate Chopin passage would be time due to fact as it relates to time when growing vegetables, fruits, etc. there is a factor which is time as growing them it shows that it wont grow overnight but will take time and patience. As we are young we don’t have enough patients to wait in our minds we think time we run out but as we grow older we are patient through experience and it makes us a much more better person than we were young.

2) Rhetorical Situation for “Ripe Figs” essay

Jonathan Valencia



Assignment: Rhetorical Situation for “Ripe Figs” essay


Purpose- The purpose of the story “Ripe Figs” by Kate Chopin explains to us the importance of the time and patients as we grow old compared to when we were young

Audience- The type of audience “Ripe Figs” targets would most likely be teens due to the fact they are very impatient due to the fact they don’t want to waste their time.

Stance- The author Kate Chopin feels like that Patients is a really important factor in life that it can change our lives as how we view it

Genre- Genre of the story would be considered nonfiction due to the fact it happens in the real world.

Media- Author Kate Chopin Publishes