16) Textual Analysis Essay – Outline

Jonathan Valencia

March 13, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Outline for textual analysis essay


Opener – “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway” – Earl Nightingale

Thesis – Not making up your mind up your mind can be very stressful as it take up time, excuses, and ruin your dreams and hopes.

Subtopic Paragraph 1 – Time

  • How is time running out for the traveler/ speaker of the poem
  • Can make up his mind on with road or path to take.
  • Wondering if there will be another time

Subtopic Paragraph 2 – Excuses

  • Giving excuses on how the road the chose to travel was shorter
  • Traveler or speaker saying there will be another time he will take the road he didn’t choose.
  • Knows that there will be no next time so he is just saying it.

Subtopic Paragraph 3- Dreams and Hopes

  • Speaker/ Traveler wants to travel the path he choose not to travel once he has time
  • Hoping for another chance he wont ever get again

Conclusion- Restate thesis brief summary of poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost