20) Seven Points of Peer Review for Textual Analysis Essay

Jonathan Valencia


March 28,2016

Partner Elbert Yan

Opener: Anna Hathway, a very famous actress of this time once said, “Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing am most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me.”

Thesis w/ 3 subtopic: Loneliness in the poem is clearly shown by the feeling and the theme of being incomplete, loss of a close friend, and the usage of imagination and dreams to feel whole.

Subtopic paragraph w/ topic sentence

  1. The theme of the poem, incompleteness, is very important part in the poem, To E.T., because there are a couple of lines in the poem that expresses the sense of being incomplete or not being whole.
  2. The loss of a close friend is clearly shown throughout the whole poem.
  3. Lastly, Rober Frost uses imagination and dreams to feel whole

3 quotes from poem in each subtopic (theme)

  1. “Unsaid between us, brother, and this remained.”
  2. “The foe thrust back beyond the Rhine.”
  3. “If I was not to speak of it to you and see you pleased once more with words of mine?”

Transitional Words/ Phrases: some are used throughout the whole essay for example the first sentence of subtopic paragraph 3.

Grammer Convention: some word errors or wrong used in the sentence

Conclusion: writer does restate thesis sentence and does have lead out sentence