17) Textual Analysis Essay – Paragraph #1

Jonathan Valencia

March 20,2106

ENG 1121-D465

Textual Analysis Essay – Paragraph #1


The Road Not Taken

     “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway,” Earl Nightingale said. Many us wish we can stop time but in reality have to accept the fact no matter what they do it keeps going on. As we grow old we have to accept that time is limited and the choices we make in life will have an impact on us in the future. Even though time is limited and there’s nothing to do prevent it doesn’t give us a reason to excuse is for the things we love doing in life. Everyone dreams and hopes to have a better future or life but have a difficult path to achieve it as we constantly make excuses that there is not enough time. Robert Frost poem The Road Not Taken can be similar in our type of situations as to achieve something we always dreamed off. Not making up your mind can be very stressful in reality as it takes up time, brings up excuses, and delays to your dreams and hopes